Midlife change is in the air for Orlando Based Motivational Speakers

Orlando Based Motivational Speakers


(photo: Asked our Son to write “wake up” on the back of a Doctor’s Prescription as we pulled away from the Walgreen’s drive-thru.)

Metaphorically, nothing much happens when we are asleep.


Midlife change is in the air for Orlando Based Motivational Speakers.

Driving our Son (14) to school yesterday, was day dreaming about one-word tag lines for Mid Life Celebration… a potential tagline of wake-up came to mind.

Was afraid of forgetting the word if we didn’t write it down right then and there.

Big difference between a quote and a way of life? Totally.

Never let our memories be bigger than our dreams.


Way of life?

Big difference.

Most things are self-evident. Ridiculously self evident.

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The 2015 Boomer Performance Review app

Orlando Based Keynote Speaker jeff noel


(photo: This Main Street USA window is for every Cast Member that ever was, is now, or ever will be)

Do you have annual performance reviews at work? Or if you’re retired, did you used to?

Do you, or did you, believe they had significant value to how you are/were paid?

Do you, or did you, believe that anyone ever looks at them after you and your leader sign it?

Boomers have ‘been there done that’ on many things and one of the realities we’ve learned is there are many things we do to comply with mass production.

With a positive outlook, Boomers could instead craft their performance review on the Internet.

If you are still a high-achieving professional, Google your name.

Or search your name on Amazon or You Tube.

There’s your grade.

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PS. Bonus: Google Disney Management Keynote Speakers.

When habits are changed, new life is born

Apple email that iPhone 6 is ready for pickup


(photo: The smallest of details on the left, the date. Last night at 10:49pm Autumn officially began… and yet it’s New Year’s day)

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Not the salutation we’d expect on January 1, 2015.

Feeling on fire with anticipation today?

That’s the magic of challenging the way we’ve always done things.

Writing this on September 23, 2014, it’s so easy to taste the future yet savor the current moment and the days ahead.

Like double dipping.

Last January 1st, as an experiment in humility, began omitting key words:

I, my, me, or mine.

A major life transition is something we wait for all our lives.

When habits are changed, new life is born

But if we don’t find creative, purposeful ways to change, guess what happens?


A year from now we’ll wish we had started something today.

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