Professional speaker’s hippocratic classroom oath

Twitter down time screen shot
Immediately felt something was wrong in the article


Would you stop what you believe in because others are annoyed?

One of my jobs is to think differently and challenge others to do the same. Not tell them how to think, only to try, right now, to do it differently. That’s my hippocratic classroom oath. Saying that to say this…

A Huffington Post article was emailed to Mid Life Celebration yesterday, and the reading began. Almost couldn’t finish. From a rare (which is the DNA of thinking differently) angle, it could be somewhat disturbing.

The author was going on and on about what other people would think of her New Year’s proclamation of wearing a bikini come Summer.

If Jenny Trout’s goal was to create a buzz to get folks to read Huffington Post (Huff Post loves when that happens by the way), she nailed it. It is a business for goodness sakes. No harm, no foul. Bravo even.

Yet there’s a part of us deep down inside that has to wonder, “What if Jenny just did what is suggested here, and canned all this bikini stuff?”

Maybe wisdom, intellect, insight, paradox, and business aren’t as sacred as we had hoped.

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Twenty days to nothing is impossible?

George Cloney asks:

“What if there was a place, a secret place, were nothing was impossible…a miraculous place where you could actually change the world. You wanna go?”



What if you could go to a place where nothing is impossible.

Would you go?

Twenty days until everything changes here.

So weird the Disney email with the trailer above arrived yesterday.

So weird that after six years, the starting line is in view.

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Same good and bad challenges 100 years apart?

Odds are great the vibe was the same extraordinarily high level of excitement in 1914, a century apart from today.


1914 concrete bench at University of Iowa


University of Iowa Homecoming 2014 sign


(photo top: Yesterday morning’s running route. Bottom: Flyer on the ground while running on campus.)

Not much changes in the human psyche. Why aren’t all our days extraordinary?

The vibe around homecoming is several levels higher than the karma around other fall weekends.


We all know why.

The bigger question is why do we not treat each weekend as this special?

Then convert this thinking to our daily living.

Asking why and why not is transformational.

Why are some days extraordinary?

Why are’t all our days extraordinary?

But it requires time.

Yeah, there’s always a catch.

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Age is a three-letter word

Disney Sale
Are your dreams for thriving in midlife for sale?


Age is a three-letter word.

Our thoughts and perspectives are habits.

Staying convicted that aging is bad or good is the choice of only one person.

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Be a good and decent person

Unique thank you card


(photo: Card hand delivered from Chicago to Iowa City last night.)

What’s our unspoken obligation every single day?

Be a good and decent person.

There is a quiet movement underway. It’s called authenticity.

We cherish it in others.

We long for it ourselves.

Please don’t die without addressing wherever you want to be in terms of authenticity.

Aren’t we all aiming for zero regrets?

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