What are you afraid of? Getting lost in life?
Or maybe doing something for the first time?
Or, going out on a ledge?
What are you afraid of?
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Rarely are we asked to give it a number, but what if we were? How’s your PMA, Positive Mental Attitude? Ten is highest, five is average…
Sounds cliche but attitude is everything.
My friend Dennis says things only become cliches if they’re true.
PS. Happy Father’s day.
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What if the North had not worked harder to free slaves? Some called them zealots.
Pushing hard can be interpreted as being pushy or, as being focused.
The difference is the intent.
The downside is that the behavior often is identical.
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jeff noel speaks to Churches and Schools for free…
Additional clarity. You get what I’m doing when using my name, jeff noel, right? For Google search engine results, basic steps get more success than other tactics:
Do your best not to seem obnoxious, self-serving or boring. There’s risk either way. But not pushing the boundaries is worse than pushing hard.
Google jeffrey noel, not jeff noel, and see what happens.
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