The world needs someone to lead a fresh approach to work life balance

life is a special occasion
we don’t know what we have until it’s too late

The world needs someone to lead a fresh approach to work life balance. Not a popular approach, although it could be, a common sense, stripped-down look at the real basics.

What I’ve concluded from decades of observation and an unrelenting desire to figure it out, is that humans dislike the hard work that is required for wellness.

Sad but true. And for the minority (that’s you) that yearn for truth (and validity), this story continues at the Next Blog


Dead Serious

Good luck with that Mister…

Yesterday’s post was dead serious. Our educational system is being re-written as I type these words. But it’s happening by default. Not by design. There’s no clear vision.

I’m placing a stake in the ground. Mid Life Celebration, LLC is dedicated to driving the teaching and learning – of mental responsibility, physical responsibility, spiritual (emotional) responsibility, financial (career) responsibility and personal-life administration responsibility – from pre-school through college graduation.

Yes, I have a dream where children enter adulthood equipped with years of practical, common sense life skills.

The thesis being: With every one of Life’s Big Choices comes a consequence.

Follow the path of The Herd, or follow the path of The Movement.

Next Blog

Bet You Don’t Know This

Breaking news?

Mid Life Celebration’s founder and CEO, jeff noel, has a two-part ‘crazy’ vision:

  1. Challenge Male* Baby Boomers to do something Great before they die
  2. Drive personal responsibility for Life’s Big Choices into education reform, starting in pre-school

Bet you didn’t know this.

* Note, it goes far beyond this demographic

Are You Crazy Enough?

Crazy Bicyclist?
Crazy Bicyclist?

Are you crazy enough to dream BIG? I mean “Change the World” BIG!

Mid Life Celebration’s vision is to inspire just three percent (3%) of the male Baby Boomers to do something GREAT before they die.

From mending a Family relationship before someone dies, to helping to find a cure for an incurable disease, or something in between.

With roughly half of the 80-million Baby Boomers being men, that’s a target market of 1.2 million.

And then we pray and bank on the ripple effect.  Any idea why?

What Happens Next?

Allentown, Not Helsinki
Allentown, Not Helsinki

How often do we spend time taking a moment looking ahead?

Not talking about mid-morning, trying to decide where to go for lunch and with whom, even though that can qualify as an important decision.

Rather, looking ahead ten years.


It’s hard isn’t it? That’s why we rarely, if ever, give it considerable thought.

Considerable thought.

Substantial thought.

The long and hard discussion with ourselves about our future.

It’s like reaching the top of Maslow’s pyramid.

I’ll be spending several precious days with a couple of 80-somethings. Wonder what we’ll talk about.