.wake .up

KOHL's Purpose statement
Very noble and lofty.


(Highly recommended you read this as if you are talking to yourself)

.wake .up

Is it time to wake up to what makes me come alive?

Is it possible to balance doing that with all the other daily responsibilities i must deal with?

Only one person can answer this. This means no one can override my answer.

“But what if I’m wrong?”, i say to yourself.

What if i’m not?

.wake .up


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Will a whole new generation want to put thriving above surviving?



Will a whole new generation want to put thriving above surviving?

The main reason we let ourselves go is because we are unbalanced. Remain unbalanced for too long and live amongst unbalanced people and guess what?

Surviving it is.

No brainer.

But what it there was a different choice? A very real choice. One that wasn’t theory. One that was visionary.

Who on Earth would cause such a ruckus as to make the future look so bright?

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Are you willing to be wrong?

Galen College of Nursing email tag line


(photo: October 12, 2014. Pure Nursing. Love the tag line. Loved meeting the CEO.)

Few questions reveal with such clarity the leading indicators whether someone will thrive or merely survive.

Here’s the question:

Are you willing to be wrong, to fail, to look foolish, to dissent?

Growth implies risks, mistakes, failure.

Run to it or from it.

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The two biggest adversaries to workplace thriving

Disney lakes
Mutiny on the ship never happens under great leadership. Ever.


Can you remember the last time you spoke with a business professional who said, “Can’t imagine ever leaving this job. The pay, the perks, the schedule, the recognition, the joy, my boss, the executives. It’s like heaven on earth working here”.

… can you remember?

It hardly ever plays out like this.


Because people are willing to compromise their beliefs, remain silent, accept mediocrity, and watch the clock tick by, one year at a time.


Comfort and fear.

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