Show Me The Money


Some simple numbers to show the possibilities when giving up isn’t an option, and neither is dreaming small dreams.

  1. 30,000+:  Number of Monthly Visits
  2. Five:  Number of Daily blogs written
  3. 200:  jeffnoelmidlife You Tubes uploaded, in past 8 months
  4. Hundreds of thousands of Monthly Page Views
  5. First:  Google Page display for all five blogs
  6. Last:  Where I want to be (humble, least, meek)

Raising enough money to find a cure for an incurable disease.

Impossible is nothing.

Thank you for your visits.  There are enormous plans for Mid Life Celebration. This is just the beginning. Together, we can and will help shape the world in a way that teaches young children personal responsibility, beginning in elementary schools.

Mid Life Memorial Day

“Whatever you do, if you do it sincerely, will eventually become a bridge to your wholeness, a good ship that carries you through the darkness”.  — Carl Jung

There is a return on our investment for living a good and decent life.

One way to be decent is to respect those that work hard to make our Country free.  I just posted a Memorial Day thought at

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂