What Are Life’s 5 Big Choices?

Life Would Be Easier If We Were A Dog At The Beach
Life Would Be Easier If We Were A Dog At The Beach

Buzzwords are a dime a dozen: wellness, balance, holistic, integrity, focus, discipline, harmony, peace.

Life’s big choices? There are only five. You know this right? My guess is that most people aren’t passionate enough about self-actualization to begin and finish the search.

Neither good nor bad. It is what it is. As long as we are fulfilled with our big choices in life. Right?

The five are Mind, Body, Spirit, Money and HQ. (repetition is the mother of all learning)

Am I missing one that you think is important, and doesn’t fall into the big five?

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Do You Even Have A Choice?

As Basic As It Will Ever Get
As Basic As It Will Ever Get

The most basic of life’s questions, “Do you have a choice?”

We all have dreams, as grand as ending hunger, or getting a GED.

Or as simple as paying off our mortgage, retiring and watching our grandchildren grow up.

To make these grand or simple dreams come true, we must fight the good fight.

Every day.

And every day we are faced with the choice.

Keep going, or quit.

Never get bored with the basics, even in midlife.

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A Little Midlife Celebration Love

Dear Mid Life Celebration readers and followers, THANK YOU for spending your precious time reading this blog. You have over 80,000,000 other blogs you can choose from.

Rejoice In Simple Things
Rejoice In Simple Things

Do great work today. And remember, great is a relative term.

If simply getting through your day is an accomplishment for you, congratulations. Never give up.

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