Happiness Is Your Nature

“Happiness is your nature.  It is not wrong to desire it.  What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”Ramana Maharishi

Yesterday’s post spoke of escape, implying that when faced with an overwhelming obstacle, we may run from it, try to avoid it, ignore it, medicate it, deny it, etc.

We are always going to be faced with life’s challenges.  And the proverbial mid life crisis is more or less a universal phenomenon for virtually all adults.

We get to a place, don’t like it, and then think we can take a short cut to move past it.  Maybe.  Maybe some can.  I certainly couldn’t.

However, when I started to look inside for the answers instead of outside, my life began to transform.

Consider this, there is infinite joy to be had, to be discovered, to be shared.  I mean, happiness is our nature.

When I dream without any limits, I dream of others having this wonderful mid life celebration, instead of the proverbial midlife crisis.

Mid Life Escape?

Maybe escape is the wrong word. And if it’s not the wrong word, it certainly seems like a strong or desperate word.

I’m in no position to tell anyone what to do.  Duh, right?

Mid Life Celebration is the escape route I took.  Rather than feel defeated and hopeless, it seemed like a good idea to rise to the occasion and be the change I wished to see in the world.

Perhaps my story will help you with yours. Perhaps not.

Can you start to see how this works?

For me, honesty is the first step.

And the fruit of honesty, eventually, is joy.

Going Through the Motions?

It’s really easy, isn’t it?  Why?  Because that’s what we do.  It’s safe. It’s predictable.

However, I just can’t accept the status quo.  Can you?  Do you? There has to be more.  Intuitively, there has to be more.  Doesn’t there?

So if there is more, how do we strive to get it?  Why do we strive to get it? Should we strive to get it?

Whatever it takes to give ourselves Peace and Contentment. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, I think:

“We aim above the mark to hit the mark”.

Ignorance In Action

“Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action”.Goethe

What does this mean exactly?  Perhaps it is as simple as this:

“The unexamined life is not worth living”.   — Socrates

We get one passage here on Earth.  Let’s make it a good one.