Mid Life Ailments Thankfully

“This is true joy in life. … To be a force of nature, not a feverish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.” – George Bernard Shaw

If I focused on my ailments and grievances, that’s all you’d hear me talk about.

Instead, I’m thankful that my feet hurt after a long day of standing and teaching others.

There are people who wish they had sore feet.  Well actually, they simply wish they had feet.  Not everyone does.

This reminds me to be thankful for everything. Everything.  Ya with me?

Mid Life Moose Wisdom

Mid Life Moose Wisdom:

Aren’t our days great when we can be thankful for the simple things? Like a long (and maybe boring) plane flight that arrives safely. Like a friend who’s willing to drive the rental car so you can gaze uninterrupted at the beauty of a new place.  And like the ability to act like a teenager, while in mid life, when an Alaskan Moose walks in front of your vehicle.  Carpe diem.