Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture. In ten days, one year will have passed since Randy left our earthly world for his next journey, perhaps a heavenly world.

We will probably start to see news media marking this anniversary. In advance of this, I’d like to share his original You Tube Last Lecture.

Randy Pausch’s story inspired me, and I’m an already inspired kind of guy. And not only me, but millions of others, to recapture some excitement, and commitment, to our childhood dreams.

What did it for me was his attitude towards awful news – “You have three to six months to live”.

Whether you are unfamiliar with his story, or know it well, I challenge you to view The Last Lecture this weekend.

We can all be thankful he gave such an inspiring Last Lecture, although I’m sorry he had to.

Living with regret must be a painful exit from this world.  Do something, now, while you still can.  Follow a childhood dream to completion.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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Mid Life Crisis Friday?

Mid Life Crisis Friday?

No way!

Today, I’m on Mid Life Celebration Friday.

There are quite a few people who think I’m crazy for the way I think about life.

There are quite a few people who I think are crazy for the way they don’t think about life.

Bottomline, ignoring the fact that we ain’t gonna live forever, doesn’t make that fact go away.

I will use that fact to inspire myself to live every moment today, as if it might be one of my last moments.


To live with as few regrets as possible.

You up for the challenge? I am. Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Should you quote me?

Should you?

I think you should! Here goes:

“If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”.

Do what you want. That’s what we all do isn’t it? No one can make us do anything. We’re adults, right.

The advice I give to myself? “Live, before you die”.

Dude, once you die, you get no second chance. If you don’t understand this and act on it, who you gonna blame? Me? Like I have any control over you whatsoever.

Make it a great day, because if you don’t, who will?