We are not judging you when this happens, we are wondering

an unheated enclosed porch on an old house
Waiting until winter to worry about the cold?


We are not judging you when this happens, we are wondering.

When we see others, or ourselves, living in negativity, the only real, clear question is, “Why?”

Why aren’t we doing all the things necessary to live in positivity?

And why surround ourselves with negativity?


There’s a short, pithy post about our “body” at the Next Blog


When is it appropriate to cough on the people around us?

Mid Life Celebration being Googled
The goal’s so big, it’s scary


When is it appropriate to cough on the people around us?

Never. Even more so when we’re contagious, and at the risk of an epidemic. Right?

But what if we spun it around and thought of our positive attitude as a virus, and contagious, and we wanted to spread it.

So yeah, go ahead. Cough away. And please don’t cover your mouth, nor use hand sanitizer.

Next Blog


Why would putting last things first be a game-changing approach?

Father and Son talking during neighborhood walk
We work so hard, our Family gets the crumbs of our energy and time (photo: Cheryl Noel)


Why would putting last things first be a game-changing approach? Sounds weird, eh?

Think of our stereotypical end of life issues:

  • health
  • regrets
  • pain
  • worry
  • fear

If we attacked the root cause of those typical end-of-life challenges early on and were purposeful, well, now does it make sense?

Next Blog


Stumbled upon a thought that would help us with three pressing midlife issues

Two bears and a hornet's nest at airport
We’re taught not to disturb the hornet’s nest (what about our psyche?)


Three pressing, daily,  midlife issues:

  1. discontent
  2. emptiness
  3. non-existent peace and contentment

The thought – we could disrupt and disturb our psyche.


What if we simply did the things we said we were going to do?

Because we’re always dreaming of solutions and ideas, yet quickly, and fearfully, abandon them.

Yeah, that’s the ticket. Do the things we say we’re gonna do – baby steps are fine.

Good luck today to all of us.

Tomorrow, five pressing life opportunities and the one way to tackle them.

Next Blog


Four reasons why leading by example is rubbish

evening photo of Pacific Coast Highway heading north
most paths are laid out well, heavily traveled, and always lead to the same place


Four reasons why leading by example is rubbish:

  1. because most leaders are too afraid to take calculated risks
  2. because most leaders are really only in it for the money, status, power
  3. because an example isn’t always a good thing
  4. (the paradox of #3) because a great example is the only way to teach

In order to do #4, we must undo #1-3. Break the mold. Be bold in your dreams and methodical in your execution. Be prepared for your journey to take decades, if not a lifetime.

Okay, I get that no one wants to hear advice like that.

That’s part of being a leader though, isn’t it?

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog