What’s the worst that could happen?

Twitter profile snapshot
This morning’s Twitter stats, January 18, 2015.


What’s the worst that could happen?

Willing to try new things?

Willing to do it all the time?

Willing to occasionally push the boundaries?

What if you were?

Have lost 900 Twitter followers in three days because of a radical experiment.

Am expecting to lose thousands more. Willing to take the risk. Otherwise the regret in never knowing would be haunting.

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Falling is living

teen tshirt message


(photo: Ninth grader’s tee-shirt two days ago… have asked Daniel several times for permission to photograph his tee-shirts… he may never know they show up on Mid Life Celebration’s blogs)

The ninth grader sees the future with endless possibilities. Just like Baby Boomers did when they were the same age.

The teen wore a tee-shirt (above) that implies making mistakes is part of life’s journey, our obligation.

Making mistakes is part of life. A huge part.

As important to learning how to thrive, as learning to walk.

Yet aging reduces that desire in many people.

Where is the wisdom in that?

Switch to the Body Blog

Orlando based motivational speakers needed

Orlando Sunrise from aircraft


(photo: Will fly anywhere to speak, but the real meeting planner bonus is speaking in Orlando)

Are we living like we mean it? Or do we keep putting that off until the timing is better?

Orlando based motivational speakers needed?

That’s the astonishingly simple foundational premise.

Call or text if you ever need one: 407-538-4341

The Nursing home visit, an upcoming 14th birthday, the option to retire at any time, a ticking clock, long-standing promises to fulfill…

Read Mid Life Celebration for the 23rd time on the flight home yesterday – prompted by a Pennsylvania reader’s wonderful feedback.

Wondering what the next few months have in store. Is it beyond a casual wondering?

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Spend our lives learning how to make this an unnatural response

Six great quotes about worry


(photo: iPhone screen shot – from one of yesterday’s many emails)

It’s natural to worry about how we’ll get through tragedy, pain, and uncertainty.

Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. – Arthur Somers Roche

And because it’s so natural, we actually have to spend our lives learning how to make this an unnatural response, not an auto-response.

Not worrying is not an act of denial, nor a manifestation from not caring.

It is strength. Growth. Victory. Wisdom.

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Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?

collection of road construction signs
We are constantly looking for signs of happiness


Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?



Because most of us are struggling to keep up with the Jones.

Not the ‘Jones’ house, yard, or car, but with the ‘Jones’ apparent happiness.

Social media can become a big smoke screen for what lies underneath.

A deep and dull feeling of average.

Average is only bad if we assign it that value.

But what if average was actually bliss?

And what if it’s not?

What if we are capable of so much more but are afraid to go for it?

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