Mentoring ambitious Cast Members is part of Disney’s Leadership culture

Disney Conference Speakers
Mentoring ambitious Cast Members is part of Disney’s Leadership culture.


Mentoring ambitious Cast Members is part of Disney’s Leadership culture. But it depends on the leader, all of whom have more responsibility and accountability than they have time to accomplish. At least it feels like it.

We met yesterday for the second time. It started from a LinkedIn connection and grew to an informal “meet and greet” – a common Disney leadership best practice.

Even though retired, my desire to help other Cast Members is vibrant.


Because it’s a glorious obligation opportunity to pay back those who mentored me.

In the spontaneous photo above, tangible proof of what passion looks like: an ambitious future leader feverishly taking notes.

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You know that feeling when it overwhelms you?

Walt Disney Legacy Award presentation
Lee Cockerell (far left) gifting the very first copy of his second book, The Customer Rules.


You know that feeling when it overwhelms you? When someone does something for you that is so wonderful, and so extraordinarily unnecessary?

Profound humility.

And when you realize that you are actually doing the same thing for others but didn’t understand the magnitude. This is a moment.

Two days ago, Lee Cockerell provided a milestone catalyst that changes everything. He has a track record of being that type of person to the world.

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Excuse whisperer or battle cry?

Hollywood Anderson American Idol audition
There’s an incredible story under the surface.


How many people has the guy on the left tried to help? And how many have bit the hand that fed them?

We learn so much from our mistakes, it’s tempting to keep making them.

You caught that, right?

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Excuses are even more attractive when the pressure is high

Disney Management Speakers


(photo: Randomly selected from a colleague’s desk on last day at Disney.)

Our excuses reasons to justify just going through the motions are even more attractive when the pressure is on.

Take the December holidays. Crazy. Stressful.

Are we completely unaware? Is it predictable? Does our positive attitude make seasonal exceptions to not be so positive?

It’s the paradox of the most joyful Holiday for many Americans.

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Twenty days to nothing is impossible?

George Cloney asks:

“What if there was a place, a secret place, were nothing was impossible…a miraculous place where you could actually change the world. You wanna go?”



What if you could go to a place where nothing is impossible.

Would you go?

Twenty days until everything changes here.

So weird the Disney email with the trailer above arrived yesterday.

So weird that after six years, the starting line is in view.

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