Was Perez Hilton Wrong Or Right?

When Perez Hilton withholds the Miss America crown because the Miss California contestant is Christian, would that sort of be like a Christian Judge withholding the crown because the Miss America contestant is Lesbian?

Funny how a certain standard could make the prophet look like a hypocrite.

A big part of what Perez needs to do is create controversy. It’s some of the best free marketing there is, and he is brilliant at using it. Of the 80 million blogs out there, Perez Hilton’s blog was number one in 2009.

For a reason. And I’m studying it, as well as this:

We can become so passionate and so blind by our own beliefs, that we commit the very sin we despise.

Everybody Says

He Loves To Learn
He Loves To Learn

Everybody says, “They grow up fast!”

Maybe it was looking at hundreds of 2005 photos last week.

Maybe it was watching a few very cute videos from 2005.

Maybe it was sleeping alone in this Albuquerque hotel room last night.

Maybe it’s all the promises I’ve made to him that are still unfulfilled.

Maybe it’s those colored beads in the bottle, one for each weekend until an 18th birthday.

We get one shot at this. Only one.

And everybody says, “They grow up fast!”

Forgive Yourself, Please

“A man must learn to forgive himself”.Arthur Davison Ficke

One of life’s fundamental success principles is learning to forgive. Yet it’s not enough to simply learn how to forgive others. Which is and of itself, one of life’s biggest challenges.

Bigger still is doing it to yourself. Life will never be complete without the critically fundamental act of forgiving yourself.

Many people in, or nearing, mid life find this difficult.  We carry “baggage“.  Apparently, we like carrying baggage.  Why else would we carry so much of it?  It gives us excuses for why we are like we are.

Well, I dislike baggage.  Perhaps if we really wanted to change, we would.  So maybe, many of us are co-dependent on ourselves.

Hope your day is full of self-discovery.  Self-discovery in mid-life can be painful to admit.  It can also be the key to letting go of our baggage and learning how to travel with a lighter suitcase.