Where the hell is somebody?

Top Disney Experts
Jogging from home to Disney’s Contemporary Resort observation deck is easy. January 2015.


I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody. – Lily Tomlin

Do you feel like balance is a myth?

Seriously, are you satisfied with your mental, physical, spiritual, career and home health?

Impossible to believe but i never found a role model for balance in my 30 years at Disney, so i committed to becoming the role model.

In the process, i wrote a book and published it on Amazon and Kindle.

It’s the guide the world has needed.

A short, pithy read at about 60-75 minutes total.

Truly scary are the profoundly simple insights. They stimulate and inspire three things:

rethinking • reprioritizing • recommitting

With the investment of a few clicks and $4.99, you can instantly have a copy.

Five buck$.

Is this too big a ri$k?

If you can’t afford it, send me your email and i’ll buy it for you.

You need to read this book.

My email if you want a free copy: [email protected]
If texting is better for you: 407-538-4341

Link to Amazon.

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Will it ever end?

Disney Management Consulting
The work day hasn’t officially begun and we already feel behind.


Hardly a day goes by where this question isn’t clamoring for a final answer:

Is all this effort worth it?

Life is (often overwhelmingly) full of challenges that we don’t need nor want. Yet there’s no escaping.

This brings us back to the question highlighted above.

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The paradox of confidence and humility

Disney Executive Speakers


The paradox of confidence and humility. When we follow our dreams and actually do the things we say we are going to do, our confidence increases.

As our confidence increases, we gain more confidence. The more confidence we gain the closer we get to forgetting about how critical humility is to our self-esteem – our integrity.

And for some us, humility is the cornerstone to our future growth and success, even if it does’t seem so.

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.wake .up

KOHL's Purpose statement
Very noble and lofty.


(Highly recommended you read this as if you are talking to yourself)

.wake .up

Is it time to wake up to what makes me come alive?

Is it possible to balance doing that with all the other daily responsibilities i must deal with?

Only one person can answer this. This means no one can override my answer.

“But what if I’m wrong?”, i say to yourself.

What if i’m not?

.wake .up


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