You know that feeling when it overwhelms you?

Walt Disney Legacy Award presentation
Lee Cockerell (far left) gifting the very first copy of his second book, The Customer Rules.


You know that feeling when it overwhelms you? When someone does something for you that is so wonderful, and so extraordinarily unnecessary?

Profound humility.

And when you realize that you are actually doing the same thing for others but didn’t understand the magnitude. This is a moment.

Two days ago, Lee Cockerell provided a milestone catalyst that changes everything. He has a track record of being that type of person to the world.

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Blindsided by midlife?


Viewing life with tunnel vision?


Walkway over Florida Turnpike
Walkway over Florida Turnpike.
Florida Turnpike from overpass walkway.
Florida Turnpike from overpass walkway. From a run two days ago.


Blindsided by midlife?

One of Mid Life Celebration’s biggest advocates shared a copy of the book with a small business owner. The business owner is a very busy person (like the rest of us).

His comment was (paraphrased here): “The author doesn’t live in the real world.”

First thought?

What world does he think the author lives in?

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Time to downshift?

Creative conference room door sign
Interior door sign for exiting a conference room.


When do we downshift, or turn off even, our childlike desire to learn, explore, and grow?

Is there significant growth available to us from the physical act of writing down our thoughts? Is there growth on top of that even, from publishing them? It’s so easy to post things on social media. Isn’t it?

Next time you think of it, look at how few people share original content. Quotes are cool and inspiring, yet it’s not our voice. Where is our voice? When does it get used?

Are we trying to live vicariously through something Abe Lincoln or Hillary Clinton said?

A turning point in our lives is possible when we stop posting quotes and start using our own voice.

Scary. Real.


If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.

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Timeless wisdom gets passed down because it’s compellingly accurate

Nick Vujicic and jeff noel
Nick Vujicic was in town last month speaking to West Orange High School about bullying.


Sage advice passed down from generation to generation:

We can be angry for what we don’t have or be thankful for what we do have.

Is this the one simple idea that determines our lifetime attitude, positive or negative?

Nick Vujicic, above, was born without any limbs.

He’s my go-to person when i need a tough reminder that my excuses are invalid.

One hundred days ago we had a chance meeting at Axum’s Coffee in Winter Garden, Florida.

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