Open Networker:
Author: jeff noel
Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.
Dude, where’s my blog?
Holy cow Batman! It was not effortless. Yet, finally, here it is! Hey, if you’re reading this, you’ve stumbled upon a brand new blog that may challenge you in ways you’ve rarely, or never, been challenged. If you like to get better at things – anything really – to make yourself a better human being, this blog could help you sustain your efforts. Or, it may be just what you were looking for to jumpstart your desire to improve – (again) at anything, really – but mostly to be a better person overall – to leave the world a little better than you found it. If you don’t like to be challenged, this is definitely not a blog to return to. Seriously. I try really hard not to take myself so seriously (I’m a serious professional, by way of my career).
Top 10 List – Mind
1. What do I read?
2. What do I study?
3. How much time do I spend learning?
4. How much time do I spend teaching others?
5. How well do I know my priorities?
6. What do I watch on TV?
7. Who are my friends?
8. How do I stay focused on continuous learning?
9. What is my IQ?
10. What should I be learning that I’m not?
Top 10 List – Body
Things to consider:
1. What’s my weight?
2. What’s my cholesterol?
3. What’s my blood pressure?
4. What’s my BMI (body mass index)?
5. What’s my trigyliceride level?
6. What’s my resting heart rate?
7. What do I do for exercise?
8. How important are my eating habits?
9. What are my health goals?
10. What are my health beliefs and habits?
30-second elevator speech #1
How often do you work on self-improvement? I work on it every single day. As a professional speaker, father, husband, and internet entrepreneur, I’m using my half-century of life experience to offer free information on “Life’s Big Decisions”, and help make the world a better place before my time is up.