The way to stay positive is reliant on four things

Orlando Keynote speakers


(photo: Are we capable of being a personal positive attitude hotspot for others to get energy from?)

Whether we are retired or not, the way to stay positive is reliant on four things:

  1. The things (books, blogs, articles) we read
  2. The people we associate with
  3. The things we write (social media comments, blogs, emails)
  4. The things we watch and listen to (tv, music, internet)

Pretty simple. These things are in our control.

Be intentional or be subconsciously miserable.

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Will a whole new generation want to put thriving above surviving?



Will a whole new generation want to put thriving above surviving?

The main reason we let ourselves go is because we are unbalanced. Remain unbalanced for too long and live amongst unbalanced people and guess what?

Surviving it is.

No brainer.

But what it there was a different choice? A very real choice. One that wasn’t theory. One that was visionary.

Who on Earth would cause such a ruckus as to make the future look so bright?

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Very first Mid Life Celebration blog post was six years ago

Walt Disney car stickers
Walking through the Disney University parking lot.


The first Midlife Celebration posts were six years ago – November 2008.

Who cares right?

Like most bloggers when it started it was supposed to be every day… you know the standard, “Come back tomorrow for more stuff.”

Never happened.

Not for the rest of that month nor for December.

So guess what the New Year’s resolution was? That’s right, blog every day.

Never happened. Not in January, not in February, not in March.

And like an idiot, promised it was all going to be different starting April Fools’ Day 2009.

Of course it was.

But something strange happened. The first day was easy because it was the first day of the new promise.

But then it was five more posts the next day and five more posts the day after that. Heck, even made it seven days in a row – 35 posts.

And then the craziest darn thing you could ever imagine. Wrote five daily posts every day the second week, the third week, fourth fifth sixth seventh, etc.

Miraculously, five different blogs every day for all 100 days.

Something transformational happened in those 100 days and the thought of stopping on the 101st day seems weirdly unthinkable.

April Fools’ Day 2009 was 2048 days ago.


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Is there a place for arrogance in business?

Unofficial books about Disney Business practices


(photo: Dennis Snow is a very special person. A Disney expert. A successful small business owner. A former colleague. A friend.)

Arrogance means pride. It also means conceit.

  1. Proud.
  2. Conceited.

Proud and conceited, though related, are two very different things. Pride stems from a feeing of gratitude, joy, contribution, expertise. Conceit stems from being excessively proud, and vain.

Dennis truly is a Disney expert (and very proud grandfather) who is grateful and joyful in making a significant contribution.

So anyone claiming to be expert will be thought of in one of two ways: credible or arrogant.

This is a scary proposition for a newbie (with 30 years of Disney experience) in this “self-employed Disney space”.

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Is creative Marketing the same as conservative bragging?

Orlando Based Executive Consultants


(photo: Ever seen a profile description like this one above?)


Can’t live with it, can’t live without it.

We only get to pick from two options.

Exceptional and detremental.

Those with exceptional attitudes have a long list of positive outcomes from the trail of positivity their minds create, nurture, and sustain.

Putting this down on a digital marketing brochure is both fun and awkward.

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