What’s the worst that could happen?

Twitter profile snapshot
This morning’s Twitter stats, January 18, 2015.


What’s the worst that could happen?

Willing to try new things?

Willing to do it all the time?

Willing to occasionally push the boundaries?

What if you were?

Have lost 900 Twitter followers in three days because of a radical experiment.

Am expecting to lose thousands more. Willing to take the risk. Otherwise the regret in never knowing would be haunting.

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Are you willing to be wrong?

Galen College of Nursing email tag line


(photo: October 12, 2014. Pure Nursing. Love the tag line. Loved meeting the CEO.)

Few questions reveal with such clarity the leading indicators whether someone will thrive or merely survive.

Here’s the question:

Are you willing to be wrong, to fail, to look foolish, to dissent?

Growth implies risks, mistakes, failure.

Run to it or from it.

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Attitude determines many things, including our priorities and courage

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus


Testing for January 10… but it’s only October 2. The next 100 days should be incredibly exciting… When Apple’s new iOS, Yosemite, debuts soon, the Cloud may allow the bottom image to size the same as the one above.

The photo above was added the normal way from a MacBook. The photo below was added from the iPhone 6 Plus.

Purchased the iPhone 6 Plus yesterday to test the limits of mobile devices. This is on top of the iPhone 6 purchased two weeks ago.

Our attitude and courage to push our entrepreneurial spirit is nurtured, directed, and course-corrected by the person in charge of our life.

The way to get started is to quit taking and start doing. -Walt Disney

The photo below is much larger than the one above. The experiment worked. The photos are the same size on the iPhone 6. (just checked it, Jan 10, 2015)




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Thriving in the key of midlife

Walt Disney World 2014 tee shirt
Walt Disney World has been our hometown for three decades.


Thriving in the key of midlife is challenging if not downright difficult.

So much fear of the unknown creeps in.

Playing it safe suffocates our dreams.

Boomers are thinking about retiring at 55, 60, or 65.

In other words, in a few months, or not for another five or ten years.

There’s a big difference in what’s at risk, and what’s to be gained.

Early retirement sacrifices pension potential and increases health care costs.

Later retirement sacrifices healthy and precious ‘now’ time to do things we may not get to do years from now.

The case for doing either one is strong.

This makes it difficult.

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