Is born in a manger an attitude for life?
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Note: First glance this seems obscure until we realize Christmas (or whatever people believe in) is not a day, a week, or a special occasion.
Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Is born in a manger an attitude for life?
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Note: First glance this seems obscure until we realize Christmas (or whatever people believe in) is not a day, a week, or a special occasion.
What type of accommodations are fit for a King? The beauty in the Christmas story is how the Christian King began life in the humblest of dwellings, a feeding trough in a stable. How this impacts our lives is up to us.
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Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings, or as we say in our home, Merry Christmas!
Christmas means nothing without Easter. And Easter wasn’t possible without Christmas…
…and on this day a savior was born, the King of the Fisher Men…
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What Joy it is to simply be alive to experience Christmas Eve one more time.
It is so easy to take the gift of life for granted. Would you agree?
As we count our blessings for making it to mid life, let us endeavor to help others learn from our successes and our challenges.
You have my commitment. I’ll continue to write five daily blogs to help bring a balanced approach to life’s four big choices:
What will you commit to?
Hey, I know its challenging to read all five every day. It is not an expectation, only a wish.
If I didn’t believe reading these each day would help others make the world a better place, I wouldn’t do it.
But I do believe.
And may I put it in a different perspective? Think about what it takes to write them, let alone simply read them.
Enjoy this Christmas Eve, whether you celebrate Christmas or not, please know that I wish you three simple things:
Mid Life holiday stress can rob us of the joy we could be experiencing, if only we could focus.
But how are we supposed to focus when this time of year is so hectic?
And it occurred to me that this time of year has always been hectic. Ever see “A Miracle on 34th Street“?
It was inspired on Christmas eve, 1944, when Valentine Davies, a screenwriter, went gift shopping for his wife. It was hectic, crazy, and lacked the spirit of Christmas we all know in our hearts, but often fail to make time for.
Valentine set out to create a movie that would help remind everyone that the spirit of Christmas and Santa Claus, is real. Very real.
Considered a “B” movie, it was released during the summer, and never advertised as a Christmas movie.
The American public embraced the movie so much that it ran in theaters straight through the end of the year.
It is one of the all-time great Christmas movies and one that my family and I watch every holiday season, when we can find the time.