Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?

collection of road construction signs
We are constantly looking for signs of happiness


Always looking for signs of happiness in midlife?



Because most of us are struggling to keep up with the Jones.

Not the ‘Jones’ house, yard, or car, but with the ‘Jones’ apparent happiness.

Social media can become a big smoke screen for what lies underneath.

A deep and dull feeling of average.

Average is only bad if we assign it that value.

But what if average was actually bliss?

And what if it’s not?

What if we are capable of so much more but are afraid to go for it?

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Baby Boomers, how much time and from how many angles?

Mid Life Celebration book
How much time and from how many angles should we think about retirement?


Baby Boomers, how much time and from how many angles?

When is the right age?

What are the ramifications?

Pension, healthcare, 401k, social security.

bills • obligations • identity • freedom • loss

We could have the same conversation about…

fear • risks • opportunity • regrets • permission

Most likely though, these things really scare us. And make us uncomfortable in spite of the good bits.

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The two biggest adversaries to workplace thriving

Disney lakes
Mutiny on the ship never happens under great leadership. Ever.


Can you remember the last time you spoke with a business professional who said, “Can’t imagine ever leaving this job. The pay, the perks, the schedule, the recognition, the joy, my boss, the executives. It’s like heaven on earth working here”.

… can you remember?

It hardly ever plays out like this.


Because people are willing to compromise their beliefs, remain silent, accept mediocrity, and watch the clock tick by, one year at a time.


Comfort and fear.

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Thriving in the key of midlife

Walt Disney World 2014 tee shirt
Walt Disney World has been our hometown for three decades.


Thriving in the key of midlife is challenging if not downright difficult.

So much fear of the unknown creeps in.

Playing it safe suffocates our dreams.

Boomers are thinking about retiring at 55, 60, or 65.

In other words, in a few months, or not for another five or ten years.

There’s a big difference in what’s at risk, and what’s to be gained.

Early retirement sacrifices pension potential and increases health care costs.

Later retirement sacrifices healthy and precious ‘now’ time to do things we may not get to do years from now.

The case for doing either one is strong.

This makes it difficult.

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Is attitude everything?


What is striking in this guy’s story, is how palpable his passion is for the ocean.

Are you still insanely passionate about something in your life?

What are you passionate about?

When was the last time it turned you on?

Your passion becomes your art to the world.

Share it generously.

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