Admirable companies and jeff noel make it look easy because…

Some companies are so admirable their fans become brand fanatics


So easy to label it a gift, this daily writing about Life’s Five Big Choices.

Simultaneously, it’s so easy to say the most admirable companies in the world are lucky because they have the magic to make things work.

In both cases it can be summarized this way:

It’s not the magic that makes it work, it’s the hard work that makes it magic.

There is no room for excuses in the pursuit of excellence.

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How much is enough?

I Love Mickey Mouse t-shirt
How much Magic is enough? How much joy, peace, and love is enough?


Do we lower our standard, our passion, our hope, our expectations because we sense others resent our energy and joy? Do the others feel trapped and think we don’t know what feeling trapped feels like?

There is nothing inherently wrong with going through the motions, if living like that is a good enough standard.

Which ought to prepare us at any time for a simple, direct, legitimate question.

Are we satisfied?

(Or do we believe we deserve more, better, different?)

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Midlife quirky is as midlife quirky does

Dogs dressed up like kids in baby strollers
Times Square quirky on a Saturday night.


We say crazy things to ourselves. Some we say over and over our whole life through.

Some maybe only a handful of times, ever.

What makes these different?

Is there any meaning or learning from the difference?

And who would ever care about such a thing?

Writing five daily, differently-themed blogs about life’s (5) big choices is crazy.

Crazier still is doing it for five straight years without missing a day.

And even crazier than that – the indescribable feeling things are just beginning to click.

Curious now, what’s your crazy?

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The amazing paradox of effort in tackling our biggest demon

photo of MacBook and WordPress admin panel
writing provides a comprehensive enlightenment that no other activity can touch

First of all, Happy Saturday. New Year’s Eve is two days away, the world’s biggest party night. It transcends nationality, religious, age, and ethnic differences.

This leads us to thinking seriously, or ignoring completely, New Year’s resolutions. The amazing paradox of effort in tackling our biggest demons is that effort and reward are almost always directly proportional.

Work life balance involves our holistic commitment to five simple themes and it’s surprising how few of us have the guts and determination to focus on this correlation by clicking through to the Next Blog (our “physical health” blog)