This applies to anything anyone does with passion, purpose, and conviction

rare Florida wildflower
Something as insignificant as seeing beauty in the simple everyday things at our feet.


Try to imagine writing every day for five years. What’s going to happen after you’ve written six years, seven years, or even eight-plus years?

Being remarkable doesn’t mean that you are remarkable, it just means that you’ve done something that people remark about – hence remarkable.

This applies to anything anyone does with passion, purpose, and conviction.

And with something as small as attitude.

For example, all each of us has to do to test this theory is be completely positive everyday for five, six, seven, or even eight-plus years.

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Are we aware of the first person we need to convince?

one key to personal success
Nothing will happen until you convince yourself


Are we aware of the first person we need to convince?

The first person we need to convince is ourselves.

We will never do this if we follow the herd.

A movement is something much more personal, and something we are 100% committed to.

Until we convince ourselves, life progresses as it always has.

Are the things that could be better in our lives things we have control over?

Next Blog


Whose Life Is It Anyway?

“Whose life is it anyway”.Brian Clark

You know what?  I’m not sure where to begin on this one.  Seriously.  The quote is so intriguing, yet so open for interpretation.

If you’ve been in the workplace all your life and now into mid life, you are well aware of how “work” can own you.

Others may understand this, “You either run your business or it runs you”.

Or, no one ever said on their deathbed, “I wish I had spent more time at the office”.

No matter how you think about today’s quote, it certainly does make you think, doesn’t it?

But does it call you to any action?