Chronic mind issues

Disney Parks coffee cup
The mental scripts you tell yourself drive your outcomes. Had two choices: (1) Retire 10 years early from Disney and start a business. (2) Don’t retire early from Disney because i could never be a successful business owner. Both conversations happened internally. The one that won is the one i repeated over and over again.

Chronic mental issues define your future.

Chronic issues also foreshadow your life’s quality in the final decades.


One, two, or even three decades of poor attitudinal habits compounding over time.

The reverse of compound interest is compound decline.

Stunning news, the reverse of compound decline is compound increase.

Compounding for one, two, or even three decades with great attitudinal habits.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Life is one big gift

couple posing by a college mascot
We met at this college. Talk about an incredible gift. Didn’t even think about going to college until almost out of High School. Going to college put me on a path to meet Cheryl.

Life is one big gift, and…

Every situation, properly perceived, is an opportunity.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Corner of high common sense and low action

While this is specifically targeted for physical vibrancy, the bottom right matrix quadrant is always going to be regret. Same with childish and distracted. The upper right quadrant is the only one that changes to match the contextual topic.

Two years worth of Covid-19, 2020-2021.

Sixty-two days in Glacier National Park in 2021.

A year’s worth of disruption to our subdivision’s safety and respectfulness, 2021.

Common sense says we should either be prepared for unexpected events or put structure and process in place to prevent unexpected things.

High common sense, right?

Low action means we get wakeup calls that can massively disrupt or dangerously damage the health of a world, a Nation, a subdivision, or an individual.

If you are unbalanced, your outcomes are mapped out on the post-it note photo above.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Positive mental accidents

Disney keynote speaker jeff noel in his home office
Delivering Disney Customer Service Keynote speeches is my ministry.

For context let’s assume accidents and mistakes are synonymous.

Positive mental accidents (mistakes) are gifts.

Stereotypically, accidents are unexpected, unwelcome, painful, and costly.

Saying yes or no to an opportunity could create an accident (mistake).

In 1999, said yes to Disney Keynote Speaking and goodbye to a life in Disney Resort Hotel Operations.

Could have been a huge mistake (accident) to leave one career for another.

It was not.

“Accidentally” getting into public speaking revealed what i am born to do, teach.

Had no idea.

Found out by mistake, accidentally.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Contagious enthusiasm

Disneyland parade float
Disneyland’s official Magic Happens debut. We were there, February 2020.

Everyone knows you gotta do the reps if you want to achieve something that requires effort, change, risk, and eventually, a new and exponentially better personal reality.

Do the reps.

Contagious enthusiasm.

Do you have it?


You’ve made a wise investment.

Guessing your motivation to have contagious enthusiasm stems from knowing what your life would be like without it.

Note: all five posts today are exactly the same – do the reps. The exception “to exactly the same” is that there are five big choices in life – mind, body, spirit, work, home. As you read today’s five posts that sound “exactly” the same, understand all five themes need individual focus and discipline. All five personal vibrancy bars set to the highest level.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.