Merry Christmas from Spring Grove

Blue Disney Legacy name tag
Spring Grove is near Gettysburg.


Merry Christmas from Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since. This website is about our mental attitude.

To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.

Is it abnormal to feel guilty for having an amazingly positive attitude?

Sentiments that support the law of attraction
Never get bored with the basics of focusing on the positive


Is it abnormal to feel guilty for having an amazingly positive attitude?

Just as courage is not the absence of fear, positivity is not the absence of difficulty.

Truly, if I dwelt on the conflict and challenges in my life as trouble instead of opportunity, I would crumble.

Next Blog


How is Boy Scout summer camp like a Mid Life Celebration?

Midlife crisis or celebration? At one time, this place was brand new. And now…

midlife crisis or celebration

How is Boy Scout summer camp like a Mid Life Celebration? In many cases, we only do it once. Went to one nearby Scouting summer camp in 1972 as a 13-year old. Loved it. But never went back.

We get one, real, full-blown midlife crisis. And hopefully, we never go back.

Next Blog

PS. The first happens because our priorities change. The second, because they don’t.

Give Kids The World Founder Henri Landwirth Inspires Very Sick Children With Hope

There are rare moments when an email from a long lost friend is enormously inspiring. This is one of those moments. Neal McCord, my manager at Disney World 26 years ago, has a huge role in making sure Give Kids The World runs smoothly. His insights will fill your heart with hope.

I’m compelled to share this insider glimpse with you, because it is what makes Neal’s character, and the work Give Kids The World does, so remarkable. So needed.

“I just happened be nearby when they came for Princess Alyssa (as we call her) and they asked me to accompany her so she would have someone to direct her answers and responses toward. I sat in the room as they taped her and, the next thing I knew, they said, “OK, now you”.

They then asked me to answer a few questions. I had no idea that these unrehearsed, ad-libbed responses would end up on YouTube!

Nonetheless, I think this brief video captures the essence of the Village and you may feel free to share it with anyone you choose.”