Compared To A Manger, This Is Like The Ritz Carlton

Much more upscale than a manger
1890 Windermere, Florida historic schoolhouse and the town jeff noel ran his 1st ever 5k

What type of accommodations are fit for a King? The beauty in the Christmas story is how the Christian King began life in the humblest of dwellings, a feeding trough in a stable. How this impacts our lives is up to us.

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There Are Businesses And People That Would Rather Keep Their Spiritual Beliefs Out Of Public View

In public view, what's best, entering or deleting our spiritual values?

Why anyone would have to, or want to, hide who they are spiritually is a challenge Mid Life Celebration’s jeff noel has long sought wisdom and discernment for. I mean really, why would anyone want to live a partially secret life?

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The Thing About Being Authentic Is You Can Claim Your Religious Belief And Not Worry If It Alienates Others

The Spirit Of Love Unites The World

Many Mid Life Celebration blog readers don’t celebrate Christmas. That’s cool. And many do celebrate Christmas. That’s cool too. No matter what you celebrate this month, we are all united in the foundational element of every religion – love. Here’s to our December celebrations (and please pardon jeff noel if he missed any):

Al Hijra – Muslim New Year: Nov. 26 – Dec. 24
Ashura (Islamic, Muslim): Dec. 5
St. Nicholas Day (International): Dec. 6
Bodhi Day – Buddha’s Enlightenment (Buddhist): Dec. 8
Virgin of Guadalupe (Mexico): Dec. 12
Santa Lucia Day (Sweden): Dec. 13
Las Posadas (Mexico): Dec. 16 – 25
Hanukkah (Jewish): Dec. 21 – 28
Christmas (Christian, Roman Catholic, International): Dec. 25
Boxing Day (Canada, United Kingdom): Dec. 26
Kwanzaa (African-American): Dec. 26 – Jan. 1

Our world has much to be thankful for. Go, slow down. Be thankful.

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In The Midst Of The Holiday Rush, We Are Tempted To Go Through The Christmas Motions

Come quickly, a savior has been born...

We can take solace in knowing we are perfectly imperfect, and going through the holiday rush is a true revelation to our human weakness. What if we could approach Jesus’ birth with the same enthusiasm and excitement that children have when they get to visit a new playground with their best friends?

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