No Rest For The Weary

Par For The Course, 5AM
Par For The Course, 5AM
This Was Hard To Do
This Was Hard To Do

PhysicalMental, Spiritual, and Financial rest?

When do you find time to rest?

How do you define rest?

Would you say you get too little rest, not enough, or just the right amount?

Recently slept until 9:30AM. It was not easy. Not because I was sleeping in, but specifically to force myself to get 8 hours of sleep. I never sleep past 5:30AM.

Find a million ways to do what needs to be done. Truly, there is no rest for the weary.

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Midlife Weekend Warrior

Ever find yourself in good rhythm with life? You carve out time to nurture a new habit, maybe even transformational in nature?

Then, after creating this very predictable habit, you modify it, in hopes of an even better habit? Was it difficult to let go of your routine? Did you worry about how others would react? Did your change “stick”?

After 18 consecutive months of daily writing, I paused. It’s been two weekends in a row with no posts.

“Why?”, you ask. Great question.

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Ask Yourself

What would you pay to have “balance'” or overall wellness as some call it?

Be honest, your life is fairly out of control if you inventory your life and ask these questions:

Am I as healthy as I know I’d like to be?

Am I as focused on my relationships and helping others as I’d like to be?

Does my boss adore me? What about the people that work with me?

Is my attitude as open, creative, and positive as I’d like it to be?

Do I spend less than I earn?

If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her?

Lane 8

A Balanced Birthday?

HQ: Life's Day To Day Administration
HQ: Life's Day To Day Administration

Thursday was our Son’s 10th birthday.

Normally, Cheryl organizes all the presents.

Being on vacation this week with the new puppy, I had time to put some thought into his gift bag, and he received a balanced set of presents.

  • Mind: Book
  • Body: Vitamins
  • Spirit: Letters To God (dvd)
  • Money: Cash
  • HQ: Phone

Call it crazy, or brilliant, or weird, it doesn’t matter.

You know what matters?

No seriously, do you know what matters?

Because in the end, it comes down to what we do before we die.

(Body Blog)

It’s A Common Question

Profoundly Simple
Profoundly Simple

How do you write five daily blogs? A common question from people I meet.


It’s sort of like running.

I don’t know why I do it, all I know is that i enjoy it and cannot help myself.

Drive. Hope. Faith. Purpose. Mission. Balance.

If you can’t find a role model, become one.

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