Tomorrow is the enemy, not today

Dawn in America


(photo: Dawn. Remember yesterday when we said tomorrow?)

Our attitude today is a leading indicator of how we’ll think and behave tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the enemy, not today.

Tomorrow is a crutch, a drug, the best excuse ever invented.

The best time to have courage was yesterday.

The second best time is today.

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It was cool because it was unexpected, and real

Orlando Based Motivational Speaker jeff noel's book


(photo: You think someone who has your book will never read it, when in reality they’ve read it multiple times)

A friend shared unsolicited book feedback yesterday.

Great seeing you as well. I always enjoy talking to you. I have read the book a couple of times. I thoroughly enjoyed it and have referred it to all my friends. You are a great example of how to live a positive and fulfilling life. Keep up the great work my friend!

Was curious why he read it more than once, and he said…

Because it was so inspiring and also such an easy read. Usually when you like a book, you have to devote time to rereading it at the expense of reading other books; however, this one was such an easy read that I didn’t feel that pressure. It was worth it.

It’s impossible to make this up.

It’s available on Kindle or paperback at Amazon.

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Dear readers, Happy Thanksgiving

First day of school parking lot welcome sign


(photo: first day of school parking lot welcome sign… how will children learn if not from our wonderful example?)

Thanksgiving is both 100 days away and it is here today.

One profound thought 100 days ago for us to read today, Thanksgiving.

Change one to change everything.

What if we never criticized another person for the rest of our lives.

And what if we channeled all the things we thought needed fixing in the world – what if we channelled that energy, that critical eye, that passion, all the compelling reasons why – what if we channeled it into fixing ourselves?

Change one to change everything?

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PS. If you’re newer here, jeff suffers from writer’s flood. He writes so prolifically that what gets written each morning must get in the back of the line of a 100 (day) post surplus.

And if you’re new, he writes this blog plus four other different ones. An actual surplus of 500 posts. Click the hyperlink ‘Blog‘ to move between the five.

Midlife repetition is the mother of all excellence or not

Sunrise looking west (instead of East)


(photo: Unusually early thunderstorm clouds at 7am… cut the run short to only one mile)

We’ve heard the first two over and over, but the third one?

If not you, who?
If not now, when?
If not at all, why?

Midlife repetition is the mother of all excellence.

Or maybe not.

Every dang day?

If we desire excellence, you know, thriving, then yes.

Neglect and excuses are the other (unintentional) option.

Daily habits either way?


Never forget that.

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Our thoughts are more real than we give them credit for


Fascinating 14-minute video…


Because it says the same thing most people already know about positive attitude, but in a different, more compelling way.

The mind doesn’t work like a camera, the mind works like a projector.

What we see isn’t real although we think it is. It’s what we think that is the real thing.

  • What we see looks like a photograph of something real.
  • What we actually think is what gets projected out to the world.

If we see an empty clear square container, but are told it will be full of spiders in a little while, and we are afraid of spiders, we become afraid of the clear empty container.

Our snapshot of the clear container now sees it full of scary spiders, even though it’s empty.

Crazy how it works.

The implications to whether we become a thriver or a survivor hinges on our thoughts.

Our thoughts do become things.

It begins with, “I’m getting older, so…”

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