Mid Life Showoff?

Mid life show off?  Depends.  It’s all in the eye of the beholder isn’t it?  Recently, I heard someone make a few snide remarks about me – “What a showoff.  No shirt.  Trying to impress people”.

“Dude, are you talkin’ to me”?, I asked impatiently.

“I guess I am”, the person said, also sounding impatient.

“I’m sorry, I’m not trying to show off.  Went for a run earlier this morning”.

He then says, “Why not wear (baggy) gym shorts”?

To which I respond, “I’m a sprinter, and sprinters never wear baggy shorts.  Ever watch swimmers”?

He quickly says, “Yes, with the skin tight pants”.  “Exactly”, I say.

What was interesting was this:

  1. The person made judgements strictly from my appearance
  2. I never lost my patience
  3. With both walked away feeling better about both of us

Amazing what a little patience, creativity and self-control can do to get better results – skills instilled in me for the past 25 years.  Hope it didn’t look like I was showing off.

What Is A Mid Life Crisis?

What is a mid life crisis?

One thing for sure, it isn’t a mid life celebration.

Just look at the difference in the two words:

  1. Mid Life Crisis
  2. Mid Life Celebration

I mean seriously, if you could only pick one, which would you pick?

Family Time At Disney

Family time at the Walt Disney World Resort. This month in particular, we’ve visited Disney Theme Parks every week.  Why?  Cooler temperatures initiated it.

Mid Life Celebration has kept it alive.  A mid life crisis is when a sort of panic (or doubt) sets in that has us question if we are on the correct path in our lives.  Can’t remember ever being so busy with life. Can you?

Perhaps it’s the economic situation and the constant change that is happening all around us.  What to do?  Go to Disney.  Walt Disney wanted a place where Families could do nice things together and forget about reality for a couple hours or a couple days.

We take frequent, but short trips to Disney Theme Parks. Here’s a jeff noel midlife You Tube from earlier this month:

Hope your Mid Life Celebration includes some Family time. It’s challenging to find quality family time, when you’re so busy dealing with all the things life places in front of you. Carpe diem.

Every Man Is Guilty

“Every Man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do”.Voltaire

This thought almost has me speechless.  Seriously.  Wow.

This is a profoundly simple, yet simply profound statement.  Why?

It signifies, perhaps, one of the original seeds of mid life crisis.  We get to mid life and question, “What the heck happened to all my plans to do great things”?

If we are strong enough and focused enough, to have the will to turn our mid life crisis into a mid life celebration, we can realize a second chance in life.  It’s up to each one of us.  And yes, it will NOT be easy, but it will be worth celebrating.  Big time!

Mid Life Celebration Einstein

Mid Life Celebration Einstein.  Huh?  Exactly.  Confusing isn’t it? Here’s what I mean by mid life celebration, Einstein.

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”. — Albert Einstein

Listen, everyone recognizes Einstein as a genius.  We ought to seriously consider his insight here.

And I think Mid Life adults have the most potential to embrace this and make creative choices, and take creative action, to reverse the mid life crisis and let it morph into a mid life celebration.  Ya with me?

Psssst.  Shhhhhh.  (whispering) Here’s a little secret between you and me.  Most mid life adults will miss virtually every opportunity to hear messages just like this one.  And their mid life crisis never gets to be their mid life celebration.  Bummer.