Five midlife reasons to love Disneyland – one themed reason on each blog

Disney's Grand Californian Guest hallway at 4am
A short walk down the hall, then outside for another short walk? Yes.


Five midlife reasons to love Disneyland – one themed reason on each blog:

1. It’s the happiest place of Earth (mind)

Looking forward to calling Disney’s Grand Californian home for eight days.

Apparently, it’s a short walk from the lobby to Disneyland.

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Doing meaningful work changes our expectations about what is normal or fair

Delta app flight info
Easter Sunday 2014 (April 20)


This Easter morning final preparations for an eight day tip to Disneyland.

Working while others play is a way of life for many.

Some go their entire career never having weekends as predictable days off.

Doing meaningful work changes our expectations about what is normal or fair.

More than anything, getting to do what you love is more than fair.

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This is your life, your midlife celebration (go!)

Quote from AARP article
Do we need an expert to tell us or is it utterly intuitive?


Our life doesn’t fully come alive until we remove our fear of living. It’s not death that we fear, it’s living.

Think about it.

We actually know this to be true.

Yet pretend we don’t.

Things will never be the same until we are deeply compelled to rethink (everything), reprioritize (what’s important), and recommit (like a warrior).

No regrets for taking so long. Only joy in beginning. Again.

This is a game changer.

It’s our move.

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Nothing else will compel us to do whatever it takes

Boy on bike at dusk near Walt Disney World
Seriously, we would die for it? Absolutely.


Want to help make the world a better place? Be the person that offers something good to the world.

And if we want to help change the world, we must be willing to do something we would die for.

Nothing else will compel us to do whatever it takes.

Because it’s simply too easy to quit when it gets tough.

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Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer: Sometimes you need a crow bar

Rainbow over East Glacier, Montana


(photo: Behind us or ahead, the right ‘tools’ help us find perspective))

There is no greater horror to a middle-aged woman than swimsuit shopping. My own collection of swimsuits having seen much better days, I mustered the courage to venture out to see what was left on the sale racks.

My arm was loaded with at least a dozen choices as I headed to the too-small dreaded dressing room and it’s panic inducing florescent lights. If even one of the suits sorta kinda fit, it would be a miraculous day.

I remembered the 70s – my favorite decade – when a swimsuit consisted of a few scraps of fabric and a couple of strings. Now, struggling to yank these behemoths into position caused my wrist tendonitis to flare up. And then I heard it. First the whimpering sounds and then the cries for help from the adjoining dressing room. At first I thought I was imagining things, but then I heard it again.

“honey?….. HONey?…… DAN!!!!!…..” The cries became louder and more desperate. Then “Dan” answered. “What do you want?”

“Can you come in here please? I need your help!”

“You want me to come in to the ladies dressing room!?” There was panic in his voice.

“DAN! I’m stuck in this swimsuit! I need you to help me get out of it!”

I slammed my hand over my mouth so hard I cut my lip on my tooth.

As luck would have it, while heading out to the register I ran into “Dan” and his wife. She was a very lovely lady, about the same age and size as me. We locked eyes and immediately felt a sisterhood.

“Who the HELL sizes these things?” she asked.

“I know. I had to go up a size on a few of them, too.”

“Yeah. But at least you didn’t get stuck.”

Good thing. Gary was home mowing the lawn and I would have felt kinda funny asking “Dan” for help.

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