Here’s to hoping this never happens

Disney Keynote Speakers
The headwaters of two life-changing careers.


Our attitude evolves. We know this. It evolves because we keep learning and pushing ourselves. But what happens when we take learning for granted? When we feel like we’ve arrived? Or when our motives no longer push us?

Here’s to hoping this never happens.

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It’s easier to quit when we are disappointed

Disneyland room headboard and hidden Mickey


(Photo: Disneyland Hotel room headboard. A nightlight built in. Along with a “hidden Mickey”.)

When it comes to shaping our attitude, the long way is the short cut.

Take this blog (and the other four Mid Life Celebration blogs) for example.

Many bloggers begin writing because they believe:

“If you build it write it they will come”.

Everyone who’s ever blogged knows this is a lie.

The bloggers who continue to write (in spite of the lie) well past a reasonable amount of time discover something.

It’s not an audience we write for, we write for ourselves. Because we need the writing. For ourselves.

A writer, probably, will stop writing when she no longer needs it.

You’ll be the first to know.

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Everywhere we look and even where we don’t look

Hundreds of photos in the past 48 hours. A few from yesterday. Some Disney images will be easy to see, some will not, like in the second photo, an iconic letter.


Disneyland Hotel Hallway


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center Hidden Mickeys


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Disneyland Hotel Convention Center


Spend 30 years as a Disney insider and there isn’t much you don’t know about Disney. And your appreciation for what it takes to create Magic is literally unrivaled.

And yet.

And yet your appreciation for what it takes never dulls nor fades. Like the past few days at every turn. In fact, what’s remarkable is that your appreciation becomes greater because you have a new lens.

The lens of a profitable (for the very first time in seven years) entrepreneur.

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