Dear Steve, thank you for saying this

jeff noel early logo design sample
Early logo design sample (Feb 2015)


Steve Jobs would have been 60 yesterday, February 24, 2015….

Dear Steve, thank you for saying this:

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

So yeah, retired from Disney to raise money to give to the good people searching for a cure for Crohn’s. A great speaker with an amazing platform can make a lot of money.

Kinda like a for-profit, non-profit.


In a small way, next time you’re on Amazon consider typing “jeff noel”… there you can read the first few pages for free and if it intrigues you, and you buy the book, you’ll be helping. Plus, decent chance the one-hour read might contain enough crazy ideas to change you. Forever.


Today is not a good day to put your dreams on hold.

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It’s a leap of faith that personal responsibility will thrive

Cinderella Castle and Mickey Mouse on parade float
Yesterday at the happiest place on Earth.


Are you getting biannual checkups? Doubtful. Midlifer’s are lucky to make a single annual physical a priority, let alone two.


Because we’re busy. Really, really busy.

And in our busy-ness we are often slapped in the face with a much needed reminder.

Like an hour ago.

During our 14 year old’s bi-annual Gastroenterology checkup.

The teen is doing well at self managing his daily medicine. Dr. Erhart reminded all three (Cheryl, Chapin, me) of us that unchecked inflammation increases the odds of colon cancer 20-40 times normal.

Begging asking for donations is one worn-out approach traditional. Offering a compelling and unique product the world will gladly pay good money for is another.

Mid Life Celebration was founded on the second premise – to raise money until a cure is found for Crohn’sand Ulcerative Colitis.

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Be ready (huh?)

TED video title screen
The ripple effect


Be ready.


A couple days ago while driving, two simple words came to mind out of nowhere (happens frequently by the way).



Will we be ready for take off when air traffic control announces our dream is ready for takeoff?

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Dear readers, will our constant struggle go away?

Bandage over blood draw needle insertion.
Annual blood work yesterday at Quest Diagnostics.


Focus, discipline, intentionality and purpose are essential in overcoming the daily onslaught of expected and unexpected to-do’s.

The constant struggle to keep up is better, if you really think about it, than the daily struggle to medicate, distract, and entertain ourselves away from the pain of being buried.

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