Hey Bear

Grizzly Bear in mountains
With no other humans for miles in any direction, we made noise knowing we’d have to pass by this Grizzly. We did not want to surprise this bear. Wind can disable the bear’s ability to smell or hear us, hence shouting, “Hey Bear!” Bears and humans share a characteristic, neither want to be surprised with a perceived threat.

Hey bear is used while hiking in Grizzly Bear country.

Hey Chuck is used while in Chuck country (the Church property).

Chuck said in Sunday’s sermon three days ago that he was one of those kids you didn’t want to be around. He said he questioned everything.

Any person, at any age, with an over-active curiosity – without an off switch – can be annoying.

Was never that kid, but sure as heck am that adult now.

My business insights and coaching advice depend on it, thrive on it even.

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Habit check

Who’s to say what cheese grates can be used for? These are ceiling lamps hanging in our neighborhood restaurant, Toasted.

Are my current habits going to drive me to where i envision my future?

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One of the easiest ways to reduce stress

early morning work
A two-year-old smile-worthy FaceBook “memory” hit my feed yesterday.


One of the easiest ways to reduce stress is to lower our standards.

This is a short-term solution.

Very effective.

At some future point (a month, years, or decades even) the temporarily relieved stress can come back with a vengeance in the form of regret.

Life is hard.

Because life is hard, study, learn, apply, teach, and excel at a positive attitude.

At various times in life, setting the bar low could develop into an insidious lifetime habit.

Setting your bar low might seem reasonable, appropriate, and motivating.

Long-term, it’s anything but.


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Worried about the future?

Calvin and Hobbs
Chapin sent me this last night. He showed it to me as we sat together in the Family room. i requested it, not knowing how i’d use it until after i wrote this post.


Worried about the future?

Prove it.

My theory is most adults could eliminate much of their worry if they cleaned up their own bank of lifetime habits first, before expecting someone else to change.

Yes, there are exceptions, but the odds of you being the exception are low.

Could ask dozens of simple questions, but for now, try these on…

When was the last time you exercised?

If we could see what you actually eat and drink in any given month, would you feel good or not so good?

When was the last time you began your day on your knees? And the time before that? Was it this morning and yesterday?

Is there breathing room in your cabinets, shelves, drawers, medicine cabinets, and closets?


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Dear Past

dear world
At Rollins College cafeteria yesterday.



Dear Past, thank you for all the lessons.

Dear Future, if you will have me, i am ready.

Dear Me, i know you’re invested in the path you’ve created, but it’s time to walk away from it.

You cannot demand your way to commitment from others.

You can only (repeat, only) inspire and develop others to become committed.

And even with that, the odds of others being inspired by what you do is low.

Wish i had better news for you.

Your attitude in hearing this news right now….

Adversity doesn’t develop character, it reveals it.


You can do this.

It will be hard.

You will want to turn around – to quit, to retreat, to not change.

You know you can’t because, then, nothing will ever transform.


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