The timing was probably perfect

St Mary lake
Glacier National Park (GNP). This view never gets boring. Ever.

If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes, only sooner.

Tallulah Bankhead

Tallulah’s thinking looks great on paper. However, the Universe’s grand design uses timing that matches your: circumstances, your ability, your headspace and your heartspace. There is no crystal ball, no do-over, there is only forward motion – today and tomorrow.

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Hidden Glacier Mickey?

downed tree in pond
It’s challenging, sometimes, to go out on a limb. Hidden Mickey in photo. Perhaps one of the easier ones.

Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes.


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So you know everything?

Most of what is important is hidden because of its familiarity and simplicity.

So you know everything?


But i know a lot about what matters and what doesn’t.

Everything comes with a price.

A positive mindset.

A negative mindset.


Extra inch.

.think .differently

Life’s five big choices.

Envisioning a future that’s not only better than now, but much better than now.

And so on and so forth.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.

While nurturing my spirit, a mental and a career idea bloomed

Notes from an idea that surfaced during yesterday’s 8:45AM Mass.

inspirational sayings
Pinterest sends me occasional emails with a few things they think i might appreciate. Here are two. You’d never know i struggle because i never focus on the “problems”. And, mistakes are some of my favorite teachers.

exercise wisdom
As you move from Mid Life Celebration’s blog to Lane 8’s blog, this message (from Twitter yesterday) is solid wisdom.

While nurturing my spirit yesterday morning, a mental and a career idea bloomed. Reference the top photo.

Jody Maberry has agreed to take me on as his final podcast customer. He doesn’t have room, but because of our relationship and my Disney wisdom, he is doing it.

He is smart.

And i am lucky.

(And blessed, humbled, excited, relieved, and grateful.)

When you get to Jungle Jeff’s blog, you’ll see why the note’s ideas (top photo above) are important.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Merry Christmas, thank you Christmas for being an annual part of my life

fosbury flop statue
Fosbury flop. Screenshot from Twitter yesterday (Oct 24). The University of Oregon revealed this statue yesterday.



Why the Fosbury video?

Because Twitter planted a seed yesterday.

And the seed grew into a thought about being a pioneer.

Pioneers change things.

Maybe the way i think about death (and the 10-year plan) is pioneering.

Time will tell.

And no, i didn’t do it to pioneer anything.

Dick Fosbury didn’t either.

Dick was simply looking for a way to not be the worst high jumper on his High School team.

And i simply don’t want to die with regret. i plan to die with peace and contentment. Peace with who i am. Content with what i have.

Merry Christmas, thank you Christmas for being an annual part of my life.

According to my 10-year plan, this is my final Christmas.

i’m at peace with having such a non-conforming approach to life.

The critics, and there are always critics, used to be people i worried about what they would think of me.

Maybe 3-5 years ago i started asking, “Why?”

Well, for starters, some of them are family and friends.

People i’ve known a lifetime.

To this unnecessary worry, i’ve surrendered.

Free at last.

Thank God almighty, i’m free at last. (ht MLK)

Note: ht = hat tip.


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