Do or do not

Dreams require risks. Risks require failure. Failure enables growth. Growth enables dreams.

Do or do not do the work.

Is there a third choice?

No, from my six decades on this planet. i have discovered my own truths. Truths many others embrace, and at the same time, many others shun. Right or wrong, we need to commit. i am committed to my truth – which may grow and develop as more years teach more lessons.

Some might say that doing some but not all of the work is doing the work, and i say that doing the work is like a marriage, you are 100% committed or you are not committed. Cheating means failing.

At some point, i deemed my being faithful to a positive attitude was all or nothing.

Cheating by being impatient, unkind, angry, and negative means i have failed.

i do not like that type of failure.

Failing from calculated risk taking inspires me.

Needed to say all of this to clear up any doubt about my intimate relationship with failure.

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Risk, failure, and opportunity

Humans are curious beings.

What’s the first thing you think of when you are presented with a risky proposition?



How do you see it?

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Creativity, Disney-Style

Jody Maberry sent this photo yesterday.

Creativity, Disney-Style.

Yesterday at Theater Circo Price in Madrid i was the third speaker and the first speaker after the morning break.

Advantageous position (won’t belabor why, just trust me).

Speaking with simultaneous translation is like (car metaphor) having your mind on the gas peddle and your vocals on the brake peddle.

Son, challenging myself to do the same thing i always do in a way i rarely do, excites me.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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.do .differently

Brainstorming yesterday, May 14, 2019.
The original thought was, What would a slide look like in a speech where i gave the audience the essence, yet kept the slide simple?

What’s the bottom line when you .think .differently ?

.do .differently

The courage required to put action behind thoughts is what separates you from being a spectator in life or being a full-on participant.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Yo, i’m talkin’ to you

Orlando airport new terminal
Orlando airport new terminal, last night.

The best learners are not afraid to look like fools.

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