This is the best thing that can ever happen to us.

five dollar gambling chips
Would we pay it all back if it would give us wake up call immunity?


The dreaded wake up call.







A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.
– Edgar Watson Howe

Long before seeing this quote, penned the following:

Not only is the wake up call painful, but so is the reflection immediately afterwards. This is the best thing that can ever happen to us.

It’s on page 32 in this book.

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Like it or not, good news and bad news follows us constantly

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There’s a time and a place for this. How do we transform when we are crystal clear?


Like it or not, good news and bad news follows us constantly. We are so stinking busy most days (years, even decades) that we get blinded to the reality that everybody is in the same boat.

So reminded of that today (11.12.13 – Nov 12, 2013) as the year-end holidays, and work challenges that go along with this time of year, that much of the world is in overdrive trying to survive and celebrate simultaneously.

This fact provides solace to one who has given herself permission to step up and be a positive catalyst the herd so desperately needs.

The herd is the majority, going through the motions. Until the final breath.

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We all know the answer to this common midlife dilemma

Mid Life Celebration book and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame marque
How audacious is it to think you could start a movement that would change things?


This quote struck me while sitting in a Cleveland hotel room, sipping the morning’s first cup of coffee.

I just kept on doing what everyone starts out doing. The real question is, why did other people stop?
– William Stafford

We all know why we stop. We don’t share the same exact reason, but we do all pick from the same generic list of excuses.

It took me 30 years to write the first sentence for Mid Life Celebration: rethink • reprioritize • recommit.

Took two more years to finish it.

Took two more years after that to get the guts to commit to publishing.

I get what you get and hear what you hear and fear what you fear, but kept going anyway.

Here’s to you.

(click the link below to get to the horrific Saddam Hussain post told by my cab driver)

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