How did your attitude about life change on 9/11?

9/11/01 10am: teaching a class at Epcot's Germany pavilion when I heard the news

September 11, 2001…. the day the world stopped turning. How did your attitude about life change on 9/11?

My attitude was reinforced on that horrifically tragic day, and the days and weeks following. At the root of Midlife Celebration is an underlying attitude on how to respond to life’s major wake-up calls.

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Midlife Celebration and the Dalai Lama think alike

mental attitude
mind... attitude... choices.... every day... the only thing we can control

Midlife Celebration and the Dalai Lama think alike. Really? How do I know for sure?

I don’t. And that’s a big part of midlife celebration…. there’s no way to prove much of anything in life, unless it’s scientific and involves math, physics, etc.

Therefore, there comes a time and a place when we need to take control and be decisive. Midlife is perfect.

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Celebrate Our Midlife Struggles, Or Give Up?

Celebrate Our Midlife Struggles?

We may be closing in on our final two choices: celebrate our midlife struggles or quit. The easy answer is obvious. The answer that may break us, begs for our attention.

Quitting is the obvious, easy choice. But celebrate our struggles, our stress, our frustrations from growing older? Seriously? Find beauty in the ashes. Go.

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Okay, So Here’s Where It Starts Getting Challenging

Life Looks Really Strange Sometimes

Dear readers, when the voices in your head say, “Look, people don’t care enough to do what you are dreaming. And even if they did care enough, they aren’t willing to do the hard work to change”, the temptation to quit becomes exceedingly appealing.

Right now, it would be sooo much easier to pop a top and enjoy an ice cold beer.

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