Dear Readers, The ROI From The Habit and Effort Of Daily Journaling Far Outweighs The Time Invested

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Was Made Possible Because He Journaled

Dear readers, most of you are fellow Baby Boomers in midlife. We have reached this glorious milestone for a reason. Could be serendipity, or that we were chosen for a specific purpose. Daily personal journaling is an almost guaranteed way to discover this for yourself.

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Won’t Be Long, Even Though It’s Only November 4th, Before Christmas Is In The Stores

Delivering "Food For Families"

Maybe we ought to thank the retailers for reminding us so far in advance that Christmas is coming. Cynical midlifers will see this as financial exploitation. Thankful midlifers will see this and wonder if maybe retailers could advertise and sell Christmas items year round.

We have come to know the true meaning of Christmas when we learn to celebrate it everyday.

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Now That November (2011) Is Here, Thoughts Turn From Pumpkins To Turkey


Media and retail bombardment remind us of what’s the next big thing we can buy, celebrate, fixate on, and medicate ourselves with. Neither good nor bad. It’s a free world, anything to make a buck, right.

But jeff noel wonders what would happen to the Boomer’s mindset if we could act like everyday is Thanksgiving. Every day worth celebrating.

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jeff noel Wonders If The Pilgrims Ever Comprehended A Midlife Crisis Or Celebration?

Midlife Crisis or Midlife Celebration?

The average life span in the 17th century was only a few decades – about the time current adults hit midlife, pilgrims would die.

And then there’s the whole Thanksgiving story of the celebratory feast America’s new inhabitants enjoyed. What were they celebrating? Mostly the fact that they survived. Interesting.

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