Crazier Still, When jeff noel Sees This, Yep, He Sees This

Rice University, 2010, four basic bricks, building blocks, lined next to a big box. Sound familiar?

This was the very first place jeff noel’s mind went to…

There is beauty and joy in redundant repetition. Simple, key, repeatable message points. We are our own personal trainer. Don’t like your results? Become a better trainer. Few get it.


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When I See Things Like This, It Makes Me Think Of Things Like This

Seeing this…

Reminds jeff noel of this…

Four important boxes, inside a big fifth box holding it all together. Been using this to become a better Father, focusing on the basics.

Not a fan of sophistication. Rather, a disciple of common sense. We each have to decide. Waffling and not deciding is also a choice.

Common sense will never work if we don’t make it common practice. Period!

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Easy Part

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. – Goethe

Do you focus on fundamentals? I mean life’s basic truths? Can you imagine the success you’d achieve if you’d embrace a lifestyle as Goethe suggests?

These are the things that set people on a trajectory for greater peace and contentment. Or not. Put up or shut up.

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Pills Or Stairs?

Palm Springs Hotel
Palm Springs Hotel

“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.”Karen Irizarry

Our attitude, our mental responsibility – what we watch, read, listen to, who we hang out with, our language.

Simple choice. Seek positive outcomes (against the odds) or dwell on things and people that bring us down.

Lane 8, the Next Blog, has the same approach, but for our body.

PS. Lorie Sheffer returns tomorrow.