The trap is insidious

Florida Chameleon shedding it's skin
Nature doesn’t give most creatures a choice for asking permission, life depends on change.


It’s real.

Very, very real.

Even though we deny it.

We wait a lifetime for permission that can only come from one person, and one person only.

And we act like it’s the world’s permission we seek.

When really, it is only ourselves who has to decide if permission is granted.


Then go.

Your life is waiting.

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The irony of our midlife choices

Snow shovel and palm tree
The irony of our midlife choices


The irony of our midlife choices is that we say one thing but do another. We hate the freezing temperatures but live there anyway. And use plastic palm trees in the corner as some sort of twisted bandaid.

We pollute our soul so slowly we never notice.

Until the wakeup call comes.

And even then…

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PS. Live like you mean it is a battle cry, not a slogan.


Straight talk should be welcomed or diverted?

microphone closeup in big arena
Straight talk? Worth it’s weight in gold and then some.


Life is a terminal condition. We are all going to die.

And only one person knows your answer to the upcoming question…

Five plus years ago in the Mid Life Celebration brainstorming process and visioning process, a few sound bites struck like lightning.

Live, before you die.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live like you mean it.

So yeah, we are all going to die.

But are we all going to live before it’s over?

Only one person knows your answer.

And only one person is in charge of this answer.

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