Reminders come and go.

iPhone clock alarm screen shot
Wheels up at 5:30am means a 3am wake up call


Reminders come and go.

Some are simple and casual.

Some are devastating, tragic, sudden.

What we do with them to a large extent, determines our ability to live with peace and contentment.

Fear is attachment to things, people, and outcomes.

Waking up to this and living like we mean it helps us accept the uncontrollables in life.

This is key to being a thriver versus a survivor.

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What about what’s holding us back from supporting ourselves?

Midlife Celebration Amazon sales page
Top, first share button – sends email with easy click link to book page…


Sent this as an email from Amazon to a friend who’s been saying for two months she’s going to buy the book.

Dude, this book is gonna make your heart sing and your mind explode. Do yourself a favor (right now). Okay? 🙂

  • What holds our family, friends, colleagues back from jumping in to help us?
  • Is it the same thing holding us back from supporting others who are also working hard?

So really, what holds us back from helping ourselves?

(fear, uncertainty, excuses, time, codependence?)

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

We know this.

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How does a person tell the difference between delusions of grandeur and…

car with wealth building website address painted on bumper
Every breakthrough was once a crazy idea to all but one person


How does a person tell the difference between delusions of grandeur and the likelihood that they’ve been called to do something important?

Every breakthrough was once a crazy idea to all but one person.

What if we saw death as the third most magnificent day in our life?

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Dear readers, obsessed with death?

home office
The lines get blurred between practical, necessary, and ignore


Obsessed with death?

Maybe we should be.

Not like it’s not gonna happen.

You know what’s kinda funny?

Jokes are funny.

We’ve heard all types – simple, childish, adult, long, short, off-color, spiritual, etc.

The obscene joke is when it’s time to die, and we are totally unprepared.


Good argument for obsessing over death.

The end result is obsessing over living like we mean it.

Right now. All day. Everyday.

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