Boomers, Stay With jeff noel On This (Disney) Train Of Thought

Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa, Walt Disney World

In the three years since jeff noel began blogging at Mid Life Celebration, he’s written virtually nothing about his long career. This has been by design. noel has waited patiently for social media to become not only widely accepted (like microwave ovens and cell phones) and professionally accepted as a social norm, but also accepted as the new context for the way the world communicates thoughts and ideas.

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PS. Long ago, noel posted notices, disclaimers, etc, that every one of his websites and blogs are strictly his personal opinion. This continues to be his standard.

The Most Admired Company In The World?

Disney, The Most Admired Company In The World?

Not in the top 1,000 or the top 100, nor even the top 10. Number one in the entire world! Every year, year after year, a Disney animated feature is expected to win the Acadamy Award for best animated film. How does a company, a leader, the followers, believe this is possible with such consistency and dominance?

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Midlife Insignificance And Decline Or Midlife Legacy And Growth?

Walt Disney's Epcot - Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow

It dawned on jeff noel after writing yesterday’s Mid Life Celebration post how much Disney has influenced his thinking and his midlife choices. After 28 years tCongratulations my friend. That’s a huge milestone and proof of what happens when we don’t give up. PS brilliant photo. Is that behind your childhood home?here, including 12 years teaching Walt Disney’s business practices, noel has only one way of thinking – creatively BIG!

The way Walt Disney thought – no limits. Same with Bob Iger (Disney’s CEO). Iger said he wants Disney to be universally recognized as the most admired company in the world. Bold. Extraordinarily bold.

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