Imagine a child asking a 57-year old Walt Disney, “Mr. Disney, just what do you do?”
Walt would respond that he no longer drew cartoons, nor came up with the ideas. He would add that he’s actually more like a bumble bee, going around from place to place in the organization and sort of pollinating everything.
So, Mr. jeff, just what to you do?
Wanted to share with you that the organizational blueprints i always speak of make up the core content of my business. My purpose is to do speeches and advising for people and organizations who want to change the world.
i’ve deconstructed, and then reconstructed, Disney’s DNA. From 30 years of living it and teaching it, i’ve found powerfully simplistic ways to enable any employee at any level to use the content for all five core topics. Equally, any company in any industry can use it as well.
What i was driving at all along (and sorry, it’s challenging when it’s just words on a screen) was to illustrate that the Purple Balloon story is a great Customer Service story, yet it’s simply business as usual at Disney. i think many readers miss the point that it’s the culture and it happens all day, every day. And that it is the result of deeply intentional structure and process, blueprints if you will.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
Same high-energy, serious-focus, fun, interactive delivery.
What’s different then?
The extra 30 minutes adds even more interactive, engaging, thought-provoking activity, roughly seven additional minutes of experiential learning for each of the four world-class leadership excellence basics.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
It’s been 60 days of creative, and intense, writing.
For the past two months, i’ve been extra busy writing seven Disney Business books; one for each Disney Business topic.
Leadership Excellence
Employee Engagement
Customer Service
Brand Loyalty
Creativity and Innovation
Business Excellence
Applying Disney Business Principles for Personal Vibrancy
Just days away from the mid-point of the 365-day epic Disney writing challenge. The creative, 60-day initiative has put me back on track to write all seven Disney Business Books within one year.
Worth mentioning that yesterday, April 1, 2017, i began the ninth consecutive year of writing five daily, differently-themed blogs.
Insanely impossible has morphed into a daily (lifetime?) routine.
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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.
And today (the 50th anniversary of Walt’s untimely death) reminded me of something many people don’t realize…
Frequently while facilitating “leadership vision” at Disney Institute, class participants would comment how sad it was that Walt never got to see Walt Disney World.
Early on, i created a simple response to illustrate the power of leadership vision:
Walt saw Walt Disney World clearer than anyone, that’s the only reason it’s here today.
He painted a picture of it that was too compelling to walk away from after his death.
We bought nearly 43 square miles (27,443 acres) for less than $200 an acre.
We bought it cheap, we could sell it cheap.
To transform 43 square miles of alligator, snake, and mosquito-infested swampland into the “Vacation Kingdom of the World” was borderline hallucinogenic.
At 73, Roy O. Disney (Walt’s older brother) came out of retirement and for five years, led the initial development – Magic Kingdom, two Resort Hotels, and a Campground.
Two months after dedicating Magic Kingdom to the World in 1971, Roy passed away.
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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.