Rob, a web developer partner, and i moved the registration of 15 domain names from the “Legacy” (old, antiquated) hosting platform to a modern, small business hosting platform.
Decision debt.
When we have more decisions than we have time to figure out and make.
This creates…
Decision fatigue, and then our positive attitude is at odds with patience, peace, and joy.
The insidious and negative drag that decision debt has on “is this the right thing to do, and is now the right time, and this the right price” lessens our patience, joy, and our overall wellness.
No one coached me on how to develop decision making habits. It’s been a work in progress.
Now i use the balance between mind, body, spirit, money, and hq to act as guideposts.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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We have a business strategy at Disney in our Theme Park and Resort Properties that calls for the deliberate separation of Onstage and Backstage.
You can literally find anything on the Internet and i found this ABC News video segment for our Magic Kingdom wardrobe facility.
The goal is to preserve the Magical Guest Experience (one of our original Seven Guest Service Guidelines) by hiding all the reality of what has to happen to get the work done.
My Disney Institute colleague Mary Flynn coined a phrase that i love and others have modified:
It’s not the Magic that makes it work, it’s the work that makes it Magic.
PS. There are also You Tube videos like this one that remain public even though their creation would be considered a security breach now.
PSS. The Costume facility in the ABC News piece is located at West Clock (what we call it). When i worked at the Jungle Cruise in 1982, wardrobe was located in the Tunnel, below Pinocchio Village Haus.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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Great reminder about staying focused on the basics.
(Above) Brand You: Tell your personal story.
Great reminder.
The year was 2008 or 2009.
Our new Disney Institute Vice President, Jeff James, often walked past the cube i shared with Jack Santiago.
By the way, because office space was so limited, nearly everyone at Disney Institute shared a cube.
On one brief encounter, i invited Jeff into my cube and used Jack’s bookshelf (all my business books were at my home office) as the center of the vision i had for Disney Institute.
i said to Jeff, “Jeff, in the children’s video genre, what is the average household percentage of Disney videos in every children’s category?”
Our educated guess – from personal experience – is the percentage is overwhelmingly high for Disney videos.
Then i asked, pointing at Jack’s bookshelves, “What if every business leader across the globe had an overwhelmingly high percentage of Disney Institute business books on their office bookshelves?”
Currently, Be Our Guest is the only published “Disney Institute” business book.
My Summer 2018 focus is to get the next seven Disney and Disney Institute business books written, then published.
The business world is waiting, even if they are unaware these books are coming.
And this morning, i’m just days away from the first of six Summer writing retreats. All seven books are currently in the two-thirds done stage.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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