Midlife Adults Become Trapped In The Cage Of Our Lifetime Habits

Midlife Adults Become Trapped In The Cage Of Our Lifetime Habits

A trip to a local zoo at night, gazing upon caged animals. Couldn’t help but be thankful for a house, a bed and no worries of falling off a high branch while sleeping. Feeling trapped is a blessing in disguise. Feeling trapped motivates action. Our creature comforts have trapped us in our own cage, labeled midlife complacency. Go.

PS. Check out those whiskers.
PSS. This post (like most) is just me kicking my own butt.

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Midlife Is A Time When Baby Boomers Reminisce About The Good Old Days When They Were Younger & Healthier

Midlife Is A Time When Baby Boomers Reminisce About The Good Old Days When They Were Younger & Healthier

Midlife Baby Boomers often reminisce about the days of their youth. Why? Because we were younger and healthier. Who told us we couldn’t take health and youth with us as we age? We can be thankful for our determination to get and stay healthy.

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Baby Boomers, Don’t Hope For A Miracle, Make One

Baby Boomers, Don't Hope For A Miracle, Make One

Rushing through airports is part of jeff noel’s weekly activity. So is snapping photos of real life in real time. Boomers, as this movie poster suggests I’m moving beyond hope into action. Is it too late? We can be thankful for a late blooming desire to act – and for most of us this is a better late than never opportunity.

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Midlife Baby Boomers Have A Lot Of Traffic & Competition For Their Time

Midlife Baby Boomers Have A Lot Of Traffic & Competition For Their Time

Snapped this photo while parked at Chick-fil-A. The competition between Publix Supermarket and Whole Foods, the traffic at a major intersection, the weight of unfulfilled dreams – intense. This tension can ignite into a midlife crisis. We should be thankful for this milestone opportunity to question ourselves, everything, deeply.

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