All He Wants

How Where Your Past Two Years?
How Where Your Past Two Years?

The World is so blessed to have people like Guest Blogger, Lorie Sheffer, to write about things that matter. We can all use frequent reminders. Here’s Lorie’s reminder for us:

Who cares if the gravy is slightly lumpy or the pumpkin pie cracks in the center?  It’s been a tough year. We suffered through the loss of dear friends and layoffs from jobs. The coup de grace was the sudden, unexpected illness of my father. On June 11, I found him barely able to stand, gasping for breath, the color of a pigeon. My first thought was, “Dad’s dying.” Once in the emergency room, it was soon discovered that he was going into septic shock; his kidneys and other organ systems were in the process of shutting down. My initial thought had been correct; Dad was dying.

One hundred and sixty days later, Thursday November 18, Dad came home. It took 5 surgeries, a month in ICU – unconscious and on a ventilator-, two kidney dialysis treatments, three months with an NG tube feeding him, two weeks in a rehabilitation hospital and over a month in a nursing home/rehabilitation facility. He doesn’t remember his 78th birthday in July, when he was still experiencing ICU delirium. Thankfully, he is now mentally sharp and his prognosis is good. He is getting stronger every day.

My husband and I usually host a rather eclectic Thanksgiving at our home. We’re never sure who will show up, so we just cook tons of food, including both a roasted turkey and one that is ceremoniously deep-fried in the front yard. Anyone who wants to stop in and share the feast is welcome. This year, even though Dad could make the trip across town, I told my mother that we would make it easy for him. I will cook and serve the meal at their house. Mom worried that she has not had time to clean behind the furniture. I assured her “The Moving of the Sofa to Check for Dust Bunnies” is not a Thanksgiving tradition. We will still have our big crazy party at my house on Saturday, but Thursday will be for Dad. I can think of nothing in this world more appropriate than having him sit at the table, surrounded by his extremely thankful family. As my son recently said, “All Pop really wants in life is to have all of his family in a room at the same time.” All he wants in LIFE. What a special and meaningful Thanksgiving. I wish peace to those who were not as fortunate as we are, and hope to those who are still making the journey.

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My Life, Your Life, Sometimes…

Sometimes life gives us what we hope for, and sometimes it doesn’t.

It was the Fall of 1980, as a College Junior, a movie inspired a “childhood dream” to write a book for my children.

This is not the movie, but the plot is similar. And we do not have “children”, only one child. Life remains unpredictable:

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Mid Life Celebration

He Enjoyed The Gifts, But The Box, Even More
He Enjoyed The Gifts, But The Box, Even More

On this day of formal Thanksgiving, we have the simplest of all opportunities.

To be thankful for everything.

And if you are a Baby Boomer, or thereabouts, we can start with being thankful for making it to midlife, and choosing a Mid Life Celebration over a mid life crisis.

Many haven’t.

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What Needs To Be Done?

North Cascades Highway, Washington State, 1983
North Cascades Highway, Washington State, 1983

Yesterday’s echo of “find a million ways to do what needs to be done” is critical.

Making tough, thoughtful life decisions seems elusive for most of us.

Do you know what the single greatest challenge is?

Life is unpredictable.

This is why having a strong foundation is so critical.

And being flexible, without sacrificing our priorities, is the midlife mountain we must climb.

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No Rest For The Weary

Par For The Course, 5AM
Par For The Course, 5AM
This Was Hard To Do
This Was Hard To Do

PhysicalMental, Spiritual, and Financial rest?

When do you find time to rest?

How do you define rest?

Would you say you get too little rest, not enough, or just the right amount?

Recently slept until 9:30AM. It was not easy. Not because I was sleeping in, but specifically to force myself to get 8 hours of sleep. I never sleep past 5:30AM.

Find a million ways to do what needs to be done. Truly, there is no rest for the weary.

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