Boomers, If Have Yet To Begin Your Positive Change, What Could You Do Today To Begin?

What do you mean you don't intend to unwrap your gift?

Each day we Boomers postpone our (more) positive life direction – our midlife change so to speak – is another day the chain of indecision becomes more like the chain of quitting life.

To not follow our heart at midlife is like receiving a gift, but never unwrapping it.

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Boomers, Once You Discover Why You’re Here, Your Life Takes On New Meaning

We all have dragons to slay

So much of Mid Life Celebration’s struggles, hopes, dreams, challenges, failures and victories are similar to yours. jeff noel never intended to have such an abundant number of blog posts, but, if you were to surf the archives or categories, you might find the earlier posts insightful because where jeff noel is today, is not where he was three years ago. Are you still in the same place you were three years ago?

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jeff noel Wonders If The Pilgrims Ever Comprehended A Midlife Crisis Or Celebration?

Midlife Crisis or Midlife Celebration?

The average life span in the 17th century was only a few decades – about the time current adults hit midlife, pilgrims would die.

And then there’s the whole Thanksgiving story of the celebratory feast America’s new inhabitants enjoyed. What were they celebrating? Mostly the fact that they survived. Interesting.

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Okay, So Here’s Where It Starts Getting Challenging

Life Looks Really Strange Sometimes

Dear readers, when the voices in your head say, “Look, people don’t care enough to do what you are dreaming. And even if they did care enough, they aren’t willing to do the hard work to change”, the temptation to quit becomes exceedingly appealing.

Right now, it would be sooo much easier to pop a top and enjoy an ice cold beer.

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