Fresh eyes see it right away

Four Florida Sand Hill Cranes in street
Fearless, ignorant, or trusting?


Fresh eyes see things differently. And they see the difference without even trying.


Because to them, it’s obvious.

Last night near bedtime, the 14 year old was getting a rare look at these blog posts. Right away he asked why the photo captions weren’t in the photos like they used to be.

He also said, “They look ugly the way you are doing it.”

Today’s posts are back to the old way.

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Why is this relevant to what happens to you today?

Disney Management Speakers


Why would “living like you mean it” be relevant to what happens to you today?

Should we have a personal battle cry for easy access to our daily inspiration?

As CEO of You, Inc, we create what makes us successful.

And we intuitively understand how repetition creates our habits.

Repetition creates habits.

Habits are in our control.

Habits make us or break us.

Weirdly enough, we know this yet do little, if anything, to change.


Because change is hard and routine is easy.

The repetition of a simple, direct, balanced, lofty approach has the power to influence.

But only through repetition.

Finished reading Mid Life Celebration for the 25th time on the return flight home yesterday.

The number represents reading of the published paperback or Kindle version. It does not include the many readings of the unpublished work.

This book is as short and sweet and powerful as they come.

“An inspirational wakeup call in about an hour.”

Over and over again.

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Will this day become memorable?

Age and youth collide


(photo: Not quite four, not quite 89. One learned to walk in the past couple years. For the other it’s impossible.)

A steady dose of, “Who cares?”

January 5, 2015. Will this day be remembered on April 15, 2015?

You know, the early morning part of saying goodbye to aging parents, the rental car return, the non-stop flight to Walt Disney World, the temperature change, the home inspection after being gone for 10 days?

Will the observations, conversations, fun, food, concerns, insights – will any of these matter in 100 days?

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Following our midlife instincts?

Geese flying in a v


(photo: Looking up while running in Allentown, Pennsylvania, January 2015.)

Geese somehow know this is the most efficient way to fly. How? Instinct.

A simple, powerful question we should constantly ask ourselves:

Am I following my instincts?

The insidious midlife trap is that we default to intentions for the future, not action right here, right now.

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