The Draw Shop is jeff noel’s new BFF

Disney speaker jeff noel caricature
A free gift to all conference attendees at The Draw Shop table in Denver.


Was talking yesterday with the wife of the co-founder of The Draw Shop. They do one thing remarkably well. They do white board animation to explain things to people.

The people they explain things to are people who most likely would love a product or service if they understood it better. And in the current state, they just don’t “get it”.

Through The Draw Shop’s unique, animated storytelling, the audience finally “gets it”.

i reminded Anitra that when Eric and i met in Denver a few weeks ago, i proposed a crazy idea. If the first video blows me away, i’ll pay them double. If it doesn’t i pay nothing, yet keep the video.

Eric Kerr said he’d think about it.

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If Disney ran your life your attitude would transform

Walt Disney World park entrance
The start of 24 hours of Disney, last week. Notice the group of people by the woman’s blue shirt.


Magic Kingdom Cast Member training at front entrance
The show must go on. Magic Kingdom Cast Member training never stops.


Attitude is not just about being positive. It’s also about determination. And patience.

Even the self-discipline of humility.

It also encompasses belief.

Our ability to commit to a belief system. Deeply. Unswayed, even at the threat of death.

Yeah, it’s that powerful.

Disney banks it’s entire future on it’s culture.

If Disney ran your life, they’d insist you do the same.

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Becoming excellent is too much trouble

Vanity license plate
The world moves forward thanks to overachievers.


Blogging is way over rated. So is running. And prayer too, while we’re at it. And anything else that the experts tout is good for us.

You know why?

Because most people’s efforts are half-hearted at best.

Walt Disney’s professional life was a life that was incredibly “all in”.

Please don’t misunderstand, most of us start out all fired up. It’s just this whole notion of dedicating our lives to it. That’s the trouble with becoming excellent, it takes so much freakin’ effort.

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There is no room for this

Southwest Airlines employee statement
At Denver Airport waiting for the shuttle to main terminal.


(Thi is a note to myself)

You want a positive attitude?

Well then, here’s all you have to do.

Go get it.

Oh snap, wait, there are reasons, right, that this isn’t possible for you?

You’re special and different, and have issues that complicate things. Issues that are different from everyone else, right?


Walt Disney never (publicly) accepted excuses. He never (publicly) worried about being different either.

He also knew (later in life) that these two beliefs would be the foundation of his leadership legacy.

i confess to copying Walt.

There, i said it.

Your excuses are invalid.

At least that’s what i’ve convinced myself to embrace.

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Two secrets for how to not be broken under any circumstance

Screen shots from Disney Pixar movie UP
We watched UP last night. Photos taken while sitting on couch.


05.23.2015 - 36


What would it take to achieve and then maintain for a lifetime, a positive mental attitude? An attitude which could not be broken under any circumstance.

A critical success factor would have to be self-control.

This could be the missing piece for those of us who think being positive all the time is impossible.

Oh, and patience. Patience is also critical. Why? Because it may take 40 to 50 years to become an an overnight success – speaking from personal experience.

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