Lorie Sheffer’s Story Continues

Gary Sheffer, Indomitable Will
Gary Sheffer, Indomitable Will

Mid Life Celebration is excited to have Guest Blogger, Lorie Sheffer return for the second in a three part series.  Lorie and her husband Gary, have an amazing and challenging story to share.  We can all benefit from this inspiration. Take it away Lorie:

Imagine if your dream changed from “skiing the Swiss Alps” to “being able to use the toilet without any help”, or “learning to count to 10 without making a mistake”. That is what happened to my husband after suffering his stroke.

On day one of getting his life back, Gary’s physical therapist let out a yelp of pure joy. “Feel these quads! WOW! I have something to work with!” In Gary’s case, no matter how he had taken care if himself, the bleed in his brain was inevitable. The tangle of blood vessels that made up the AVM had been there most likely since before he was born. AVMs happen in fetal development, and usually make their appearance known sometime between the twentieth and fiftieth year of life.

Because he had quit smoking over 10 years before, had skied, ridden his bike and ran, and was at a healthy weight, Gary stood a chance of recovery. The music lessons that his father refused to pay for are another protection. It seems that anything we do to strengthen our brain, learning new things, playing music, and speaking a second language all contribute to the strength and overall plasticity of our brain.

Still, Gary was in for the fight of his life, and statistically things were not in his favor.

He had trouble understanding what he was supposed to do. The therapists would show him, and then he would imitate their movements.  I stayed with him till late at night, helping him with daily self-care. He had to be held on the toilet by me, or he would have fallen off onto the floor. I had to sweep my finger into his mouth and remove the chunks of food that he couldn’t feel, something known as “pouching” food. I flossed his teeth and helped him into the shower. I learned to transfer him from wheelchair to toilet to shower chair to bed. It was humiliating for him to have me do those things, but I wanted to be comfortable assisting him so as not to be panicked when we got home.

He slowly went from wheelchair to wide based cane, from wide based cane to straight cane. His speech was slow to return. When a doctor asked him to draw the numbers as they appear on the face of a clock, Gary drew a smile face. Because of his paralysis, he was unable to feel the drool, which often ran from his slack mouth. In addition to his own trauma, we witnessed the sudden death of his roommate. We made friends with an 18 year old who had been in contention for being named high school valedictorian before a traffic accident left him in a 3 month long coma, part of his brain missing from the impact. Sometimes I would stop by a friend’s room to offer support, only to be told they had passed away. It seemed that Gary was determined to do it not just for himself, but for all of them. Six weeks after being admitted to full time inpatient rehabilitation, Gary was discharged to day rehab. He was going home. His one wish, to walk out the same door he had been wheeled into.

I was told that as the brain heals, strange emotional things could happen. And they most certainly did.

Gary would burst into tears at the oddest times. He would explode into fits of rage, most often directed at me. And yet we kept going. Recovery is so excruciatingly slow that it is easy to see why some people just give up. There are no guarantees how much recovery will be made, if any. It’s not like rehab on a knee replacement or a broken hip or a torn rotator cuff. Strokes can cause disability to so many different areas that it’s hard to even know where to start. What is fascinating about a brain injury is that all the parts are in perfect working order, but you can’t get them to move. The electrical system isn’t working. Now Gary’s dream was to figure out how to make his brain work again. Everyone was anxious to see how far he could go.

It All Goes By So Fast

What If We Felt This Way About Our Life?
What If We Felt This Way About Our Life?

Time marches on.

We ignore this out of fear.

We fear it it because it’s unknown.

It’s unknown because we don’t explore it, don’t study it.

Because we are ignorant, we remain fearful.

And because we’re afraid, we set no lofty goals.  No plans to do great work that makes a difference in our world.

It’s like washing our hair.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Like going through the motions.

Then we die.

It all goes by so fast.


Life Goes Round And Round
Life Goes Round And Round

How challenging was it to keep in touch with people before the telephone was invented?  You know, back before electricity and the pony express.

Nearly impossible, right?  And for decades following the advent of electricity, the phone was attached by a cord to some contraption on a desk or a wall.

Yesterday, the phone in my pocket rang, so I walked outside and had a nice conversation with a college buddy, Skip.

Looking back to 24 hours ago, it hit me.  Time marches on.  People do amazing things, and we lose track.

He was very interested, and asked about my goals. And it made me reflect on what they actually are.  It’s easy to get distracted from the most important goals in our life.

Terribly easy.

Tomorrow would be a great day to remind everyone, including myself, why I started Mid Life Celebration.

People forget.

A Sad Truth

Knowing Isn't Enough
Knowing Isn't Enough

“To know is to do.

To know and not do, is to not yet know.” – Dennis F.

Common sense at midlife should come easy.

And it usually does.

However, most people don’t practice common sense.

So in reality, they really don’t have any.

Older Women Need This?

Time Magazine: This Is Headline News
Time Magazine: This Is Headline News

Do you scan headlines for interesting, funny or important news?  I do.

Yesterday, while scanning my Earthlink homepage, saw an article that caught my attention.  Was on the run and didn’t have time to read it, but wanted to save it, because these headlines constantly change.

The article, Older Women Need One-Hour Workouts To Fend Off Flab, provided a button to post to Facebook, but not Twitter.

I sent it to Facebook to “save” it, to read later

Apparently, it caused a minor stir amongst some midlife folks.

It was no consolation when I suggested that older men have the same challenge.